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I slender through the broad hallways of the palace. The expensive rug under my feet, hand woven with the finest materials, a deep shade of red. Portraits of the seven princes adorn the walls. The ceilings are adorned with endless chandeliers, each one crafted with real crystal that casts a bright-yellowish light throughout the normally dark palace, illuminating every corner with a majestic glow. The entire palace is furnished in a palette of rich reds and gleaming golds, a testament to the wealth and prestige of the royal family that calls this place home.

I keep my head steady, and my posture confident, despite all the worries in my head. Your Royal Highness awaits my presence in her room. My family and I have been fortunate enough to reside and work within the walls of this magnificent palace for quite some time now, and for that, we are eternally grateful to Your Royal Highness and Your Majesty. The opportunity to earn a few coins and have a roof over our heads is a blessing that we do not take for granted. The tasks that we are entrusted with are not heavy or tiring in the slightest, as we are simply tasked with performing basic household chores such as cleaning and cooking.

The grandeur of the palace is such that it could easily accommodate at least thirty families within its walls, a testament to the sheer size and scale of the structure. Your Royal Highness, along with her husband Your Majesty and their seven sons, reside within the palace, their presence lending an air of majesty and prestige to the already magnificent surroundings. As for me and my family, we are fortunate enough to have been granted a place to stay within the palace, albeit in a separate wing that is far removed from the living quarters of the Royal family.

With a heart full of reverence and a mind brimming with anticipation, I find myself standing before the grand entrance to the Queen's chamber. In an effort to steady my nerves and compose myself, I take a deep breath and exhale slowly, allowing my senses to settle. With a sense of purpose and determination, I raise my hand and gently knock three times upon the door.

"You may enter." With a commanding tone, the Queen's voice echoes through the door.

As I grasp the handle of the massive wooden door and push it open, I am greeted by the sight of the Queen, seated upon her throne with an air of authority and grace. With a deep sense of reverence and respect, I approach her, my steps measured and deliberate, until I come to a halt before her. With a graceful bow, I lower my head in deference to her majesty, acknowledging her power and position. In a voice that is both humble and dutiful, I speak: "Your Highness, you called for me."

A warm smile forms on her face at the sight of me. "Y/n, my dear, yes I've been awaiting you." Rising from her throne, she gestures towards a chair that is positioned before her desk. "Please take a seat."

I bow once again before approaching the chair and taking my place.

Despite my best efforts to maintain eye contact with her, I find myself struggling to overcome the overwhelming sense of awe and intimidation that her regal presence inspires within me.

"Would you want to have some tea?" She asks me with a gracious and hospitable demeanor.

"No, thank you." I bow slightly in my seat as I decline her offer. My nerves are too frayed to indulge in any form of sustenance at this moment, as I am acutely aware that any summons to the Queen's chamber is a matter of great importance. As I made my way to her room, my mind was consumed with countless scenarios and possibilities, each one more daunting than the last, as I tried to anticipate the reason for her summons.

"I'm sure you're aware of the reason why I called you here?" She keeps an intense, steady eye-contact, her countenance betraying no hint of emotion or intention. Her hair, a lustrous and glossy black, is styled into a sleek and sophisticated bun, framing her face with an air of elegance and refinement.

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