보호 • Protection

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"What could Prince Hoseok possibly know?" Jisue was trying to make sense of what Jungkook just had told her. But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't make sense of what was happening. This whole thing seemed absurd to her.

Yes, Jungkook had legitimate reasons why he became suspicious in first place but Jisue was skeptical. Y/n looked too pure and innocent to play this treacherous game with the royal brothers. To sleep with one of them and then trick the one brother who hold the most power into thinking he would be the father.

A miracle they say. Doctors can be wrong they say. Some women show earlier than others.

Lies after lies. The whole scene that happened between Hoseok and Jungkook only proved that Jungkook was right with his suspicions.

There is a disgusting game being played in this palace.

But how much does Hoseok know and what role does he play in this?

Is he the father and tries to blame it onto another prince or did he witness who y/n had an affair with?

"I don't know what exactly he knows," Jungkook sighed as he leaned back on the couch, cracking his knuckles. The whole investigation is stressing him out, and the conversation with Hoseok won't leave his mind. "But he has the information we need Jisue. I won't give up on this until I find out the truth."

"You know your brother better than me but I don't think it's going to be easy," Jisue sits down next to him, caressing his leg and trying to ease his stress. "Prince Hoseok is a loyal person as far as I can see. If he isn't the father himself, he would do anything to protect his brother. He can imagine what would happen if Prince Taehyung would find out that y/n hooked up with one of his brothers and the baby isn't his. He's trying to protect everyone from the chaos that would happen."

Jungkook knows that Jisue is right. Above everything, Hoseok is very loyal and it will be a long battle until he gets out the information from him that he needs. But Jungkook is determined to find out the truth.

"There are some things I learned while growing up in a royal family Jisue." Jungkook stood up and walked over to his desk to lean against it. He moved confidently, as if he owned the room.

His tuxedo, obviously tailored specifically for him, looked exquisite as it accented his broad shoulders. There wasn't a piece of his dark hair out of place as it was gelled and combed to perfection.

Hands in his pockets, he studied the features of the portrait hanging on the wall. A family portrait, made by one of the most famous artists. "Every person has a weak point. Something you can always use against him. A piece of information that can even make the most loyal person break." His deep voice filling the room.

Jisue listened carefully. "So what you're saying is that we need to find something about Prince Hoseok that we can use against him?"

Jungkook didn't like doing tasks himself. Under different circumstances, he would hire someone to do his work. That's what he's used to. He probably has more than hundreds of men waiting to fulfill his demands.

This, however, wasn't normal circumstances. He couldn't risk others knowing his plan. He couldn't even trust his family and head of his legal team. This was all very private and too risky.

Jungkook laughed, the sound rich, filling the dark room. "What if I tell you that I already have something that I can use to get any information out of him?"

"You do?" Excitement rush in the veins of Jisue but then she remembers who she was talking to. Jungkook was a mastermind when it came to deceiving others. "Of course you do."

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