위험 • Danger

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"I want my child."

In the dimly lit room, a resolute determination etches itself upon Jimin's face, his eyes ablaze with an unwavering resolve.

With an unwavering stance, he stands tall, undeterred by the shadows that envelop him. Fear finds no purchase within his heart, for his unwavering love for his child fuels his every breath. The weight of his longing, the depth of his yearning, all converge in this singular moment, as he utters those four simple words that encapsulate a father's unyielding devotion.

The weight of his words hangs in the air, as if time itself holds its breath, awaiting a response.

The queen rose gracefully from the plush confines of my bed, her gaze locking with her son's in a moment of intense confrontation. A palpable tension hung in the air as she stood, her slender figure exuding an unwavering resolve, her face clouded with a deepening shade of concern. Her voice, tinged with a mixture of authority and maternal protectiveness, resonated through the opulent chamber.

"What, do you believe you are doing, my dear son?" she queried, her tone laced with a subtle undercurrent of reproach. "If you really believe that you can simply waltz into this room and take y/n, you're very wrong. I will never allow such a thing to unfold before my eyes."

The queen's unwavering gaze bore into her son's soul, imploring him to comprehend the gravity of his actions, to recognize the consequences that loomed ominously on the horizon.

Jimin stood motionless, his eyes locked with his mother's unwavering gaze. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within him. His heart pounded in his chest, its rhythm echoing the uncertainty that now consumed him. But he refused to succumb to the suffocating grip of fear. No, not this time. This was his moment to rise, to break free from the shackles of hiding and playing small. With a steely determination burning in his eyes, he locked his gaze with his mother's, unyielding in his quest for truth.

He dared to ask the question that had haunted his every waking moment. "Was this all your plan?" His voice, though laced with a hint of vulnerability, carried the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions, demanding answers, seeking solace in the depths of his mother's gaze.

"It matters not, whether it was my plan or not," the queen uttered. "You must release her from the clutches of your heart and banish her from your thoughts. She is married to your very own brother."

Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with the weight of unrequited love and forbidden desires.

She knew the depths of his longing, the torment that gnawed at his soul. Yet, she also understood the consequences that would befall their family, their kingdom, should their illicit affair be allowed to flourish. And so, with a heavy heart, she pleaded him to relinquish his grip on this forbidden love, to bury it deep within the recesses of his being.

For in the realm of duty and honor, the queen knew that some desires were destined to remain unfulfilled, forever etched in the annals of a love that could never be.

A tumultuous surge of anger coursed through Jimin's veins, threatening to consume him whole. How could his own mother, the woman who had brought him into this world, be so utterly heartless? The mere thought of it sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a fire within him that he could no longer contain. His voice, usually gentle and soothing, rose to a crescendo, echoing through the walls of the room.

"She's carrying my child!" he exclaimed, his words laced with a potent mix of desperation and defiance. "Taehyung has no claim over her. And you, mother," he continued, his voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and accusation, "you have single-handedly shattered my world. You have stolen away my happiness, my very will to live, and you have never once shown an ounce of remorse. All you have ever cared about is power."

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