약속 • The promise

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Jisue was laying naked in her bed while she watched Jungkook getting dressed. He left her bed with muscles turned to jelly and a need for a long nap.

"You really didn't believe that it will stay with one kiss only, did you?" She rolled to the side, resting her head on her hand. "We always end up like this whenever we get a little bit too close, kisses just can't stay as kisses with us."

"Whatever," Jungkook buttoned up his last buttons of his suit. "Now get up, we have important things to talk about."

Jisue was a mature woman, she was unlike the marginally experienced girls he'd dallied with before.

Jisue rolled her eyes. "Not even for once you can be a bit romantic right? Would it really kill you to be a little more affectionate after we hook up?"

"Perhaps I should start a new affair." She said teasingly.

"Well, you will not be having another one ever, because no other man will come after me in your bed." he growled.

Jisue chuckled. "How cute you are when you become possessive."

"Jisue, please." Jungkook said with a straight face. He went over to the large mirror and adjusted his attire.

"Fine," she sighed and sat up on the bed.

Jungkook poured a glasses of wine and then turned around, leaning his hip against the console with one heel crossed over the other.

"What did you find out on your investigations? Anything interesting?" She asked.

"Actually yes," his hands in his pockets as he was slowly walking towards her. "I spoke with Namjoon."

"Namjoon?" Jisue asked surprised. "You really think it could be him?"

"I think it could be anyone. All of them are suspicious in my eyes."

"I don't know," she tilted her head in confusion. "Namjoon is more the type who doesn't want to get involved in trouble. I don't think it would be him."

Jungkook laughed at how naïve she was. "The once who seem so innocent are always the ones who you should suspect the most."

"Anyway, what have you found?"

"Well," he sighed and sat down on the bed. "He talked about his past affairs and suddenly when I mentioned y/n and the worries I have about her loyalty, he became all furious. He seems suspicious if you would ask me."

Jisue thought about it for a moment. Was there really a chance that Namjoon could have had an affair with y/n? It seemed like they weren't even each other's types.

Of course she shouldn't be too reckless because after all, Jungkook was right. It could be anyone.

"I spoke with y/n and I also have some information." She said after a while.

"Oh?" Jungkook's gaze watched her in surprise. This was where their true similarities lay. As different as they were on the exterior, on the interior they were alarmingly alike, both criminally minded and quite wily.

"I guess I gained her trust? Of course not to that extent that she told me the name but I think we have a new main suspect." She said, proud of herself about the information she got out of her.

"Who?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes and leaned closer.

Jisue leaned forward too, and came eye-to-eye with her lover. "Prince Hoseok." She whispered.

"Hoseok?" Jungkook asked, frozen with disbelief. "Why particularly him?"

"Well, let's say she admitted that she has been in his room in the past and in my opinion, she familiarized herself too much with the interior." Her fingertips plucked at the edge of her bed linens as she spoke.

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