첫날 • The first Day

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Prince Jungkook sighed and reclined into the plush embrace of his dark brown leather chair, the supple material yielding to his form. His fingers deftly loosened the knot of his necktie, the silk fabric slipping through his grasp like a whisper on the wind. The air was thick with the scent of polished wood.

The incessant pounding in his head had been a constant companion, a reminder of the weight of his thoughts and the gravity of his situation. The morning had been consumed by endless hours of research, all focused on the enigmatic y/n. There was something about this marriage that didn't sit right with him, a nagging feeling that refused to be silenced.

Jungkook knew that he was meant for something greater, that he was destined to ascend to the throne instead, that his brother now occupied.

The intricate machinations of Jungkook's mind had already mapped out his future with precision. The looming shadow of Prince Taehyung's infertility will cast a foreboding presence over the kingdom, and Jungkook knew that his parents would ultimately choose him over his brother. Jungkook would have married Princess Jisue, his beloved companion for many years, and as soon as she would have become pregnant with his first child, he would have fulfilled all demands to become the next throne.

Princess Jisue, a dear friend of the family, was a vision of regal grace. Her father, the illustrious King Jongho VI of Korea, had raised her to embody the very essence of nobility. Jungkook had long admired her from afar, her beauty and poise captivating him with every encounter. Marrying her, would not only benefit him but also forge a powerful alliance between their two royal families.

The royals, with their bloodlines as ancient as the stars, never wed for love. No, their unions were forged in the fires of ambition, each match carefully calculated to maximize their power and influence. Love was a luxury they could not afford, a weakness that could be exploited by their enemies. And so, they traded their hearts for crowns, their passions for politics, their dreams for dynasties. It was a cruel game, played out on a grand stage, where the stakes were nothing less than the fate of nations.

The princes and princesses, with their porcelain skin and glittering jewels, were but pawns in this game of thrones, their lives and destinies determined by the whims of their elders. They knew no other way, for they had been raised in a world where duty and honor were paramount, and where the price of failure was death. And yet, in the depths of their souls, they yearned for something more, something that could not be bought or sold. They longed for love, for passion, for a connection that transcended the cold calculations of their elders.

But such desires were dangerous, for they threatened to unravel the delicate web of alliances that held their world together. And so, they buried their hearts deep within their chests, and donned their masks of duty and decorum, and played their parts in the grand drama of royal life.

Everything would have worked out perfectly, if y/n wouldn't have agreed to marry Taehyung. And with that, all of his plans and hopes have been shattered in a matter of seconds.

"Getting frustrated over your brother's wedding again?" Jisue remarked, leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it Jisue," he scratched his brow.

She rolled her eyes. Her head held high, she waltzed and took a seat in front of his wood desk. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that played in the background without pause. "If I wouldn't know better, I would think that you're interested in this girl."

Jungkook looked up to her, squinting his eyes. "Stop talking nonsense Jisue. What should I do with a non-Royal?"

"Then what's the issue? It was always clear that Prince Taehyung will become the next King of Korea. Do you really think that you could have taken away the next thrones place? That's impossible Jungkook."

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