발표 • The Announcement

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Over the next few weeks, the reality of my marriage to Prince Taehyung slowly sank in. It was starting to feel less forced and more like a real marriage.

Our days have fallen into a rhythm dictated by the queen, who rules this palace as her own, as I suppose she should.

Taehyung and I spent a lot of time together, and sometimes I found myself looking for an excuse to see him even sooner. While he is presenting himself as the emotionless, cold Prince to the palace, he is always tender, affectionate and loving to me. A secret side of him which he has reserved only for his wife.

I am still trying to get used to my new life as a royal. It still feels like a weird dream. I am two things at once: the second highest being in the world, the wife of the next throne; and the very lowest: a woman with a poor background, who used to serve for the riches.

I am only twenty-two years old and I have lived two different lifetimes already.

It was slowly but surely getting harder to hide my pregnancy and I knew that I wasn't able to hide it for much longer. I was overcome with anxiety just thinking about telling Taehyung that I was pregnant. I really don't know how he's going to handle the news. Is he even going to believe that he's the father?

The more I thought about his possible reactions, the more nervous I became. Once I tell him about this pregnancy, it would be official and there would be no turning back anymore.

I put on my long red silk dress and my necklace, who's pearls shone as bright as a flashlight. They are the finest pearls in Asia, a triple rope of matched rare silver diamonds, uniquely made for the royal family and a gift from the queen herself to the wife of his oldest son.

I do the last touches of my make up when there's a knock at the door. Prince Yoongi stands on the doorframe, looking immaculate in his royal suit.

No doubt that he was, just like his brothers, a very handsome Prince. The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way. The room always filled with his deep, rumbling voice. And just like all the other royals, he always walked with purpose and authority.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I guess he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile.

It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more. Despite all the opportunity that came his way he was a one-woman-man who prized genuineness and thoughtful conversation above lipstick and high-heels. He was handsome alright, but inside he was beautiful.

Right behind him, was Prince Hoseok. He had a dashing personality and a cosmic smile. Even though his outer appearance seemed very young and cute, he was actually very mature for his age. Though he was quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort.

"I have been appointed by the queen herself to inquire about your well being," Yoongi bowed as he entered the room.

"I'm alright," I smiled back.

"I didn't really have the time after the wedding to congratulate you personally. I have been very busy recently." Hoseok came closer. "How is you new life as a royal? Did you already get used to it?"

I tried to smile, but found it too much effort. "Im trying my best, it's much harder than I thought."

"Don't worry, with Taehyung on your side you will be well protected. There's no one in this palace who doesn't fear his presence, except mother and father of course. I doubt anyone would want to get in trouble with him because they did you any wrong."

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