운명 • Destiny

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Taehyung POV

The week passed in a blur.

As the days melted into one another, I couldn't help but ponder the curious nature of time. It seemed to slip through my fingers like sand, yet when I was with the one I adored, it flew by in a dizzying blur. Each dawn brought with it the promise of a new escapade, a fresh opportunity to create something beautiful together. And oh, how we did.

Each day was a new chapter in our love story, a fresh page to fill with the ink of our shared experiences. We wove a tapestry of memories, each thread more vibrant and precious than the last.

Today she was taking me out.

As I rose from our bed, my heart was already racing with anticipation. The mere thought of spending the day with her sent shivers down my spine. Her voice, soft and alluring, whispered in my ear, "Be ready for ten."

I couldn't help but wonder what she had planned for us. The mystery of it all was intoxicating.

As I dressed, my mind wandered to thoughts of her. Her beauty, her grace, her every movement. I feel a sense of awe and admiration for this woman who had captured my heart. The way she looked at me, with those piercing eyes, made me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

As I emerged from the confines of my office, my eyes were met with a sight that left me breathless. There she was, sauntering towards me with a grace that could only be described as ethereal.

Her every step was a symphony of movement, a dance that spoke of a soul that was both free and wild. And as I gazed upon her, I felt a pull that was both magnetic and inexplicable. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring us together, to intertwine our fates in a way that was both beautiful and terrifying. For in that moment, I knew that I had found my destiny, my heart's true home.

And then she arrived in front of me, like a vision in white. Her smile, like the sun breaking through the clouds, warmed my heart.

Each day, I eagerly anticipate to finish my work, yearning for the tranquility and serenity that this woman brings me at home. The mere thought of her presence fills me with an unbridled sense of joy and contentment, and I am forever grateful for the solace she provides. I could never tire of this idyllic existence, for it is in her company that I find my truest self. Her essence is like a soothing balm to my weary soul, and I am forever entranced by her beauty and grace. In her embrace, I find a love that transcends all boundaries, a love that is pure and true.

As I extended my arm, my fingers yearned to intertwine with hers. I longed to feel the warmth of her skin against mine, to be enveloped in her embrace. As our hands met, I pulled her towards me, my heart beating with a fervent passion.

With a gentle touch, I pressed my lips to her hand, savoring the softness of her skin. I wanted her to know that she was cherished, that every fiber of my being was devoted to her. And so, I drew her closer still, my lips seeking hers in a fervent embrace.

In that moment, I was lost in a sea of emotions, my thoughts consumed by the depth of my love for her. I wanted to hold her close, to never let her go, to bask in the radiance of her beauty. And so, I poured my heart into every kiss, hoping that she could feel the depth of my affection.

For in her eyes, I saw a reflection of my own soul, a kindred spirit that had captured my heart. And so, I vowed to love her with every breath, to cherish her for all eternity. For she was the light that illuminated my path, the one who had stolen my heart and soul.

"You ready?" As she looks up to me with a glint in her eye, I can sense the thrill that courses through her veins. The mere utterance of those two words, sends my heart into a frenzied dance, as if it were a wild stallion galloping through an open field. Her gentle voice, like a soothing balm, brings a sense of tranquility to my otherwise tumultuous existence. In her presence, I am transported to a world of serenity and bliss, where the worries of the world fade away like a distant memory. Oh, how I long to hold her close and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, to bask in the warmth of her love and affection.

Once Upon A Time | 김태형Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora