고통 • Pain

158 78 9

It was very early in the morning.

I hadn't slept most of the night because I'd felt too exhausted after last night.

Taehyung was never like this but something changed even in the way he made love to me.

He was more rough and constantly asking me to confirm him that I'm only his.

He is more protective and it seems like he has a fear of losing me.

Whatever happened really affected him.

Turning around, my eyes found the empty space beside me in bed. My fingers traced the soft fabric.

I still fell asleep on my side of the bed and always woke half on Taehyung's empty one.

As I stood up, I felt dizziness taking over me. I groaned and let myself fall back into the bed. I thought I already passed this stage in my pregnancy, but it looks like last night was rougher for my body than I thought.

As I start to feel a bit better, I summon the strength for a second attempt to stand up, put on the loose silk bathrobe and made my way out of the bedroom. It was still very early so I expected the brothers to be at their work.

The house was quiet. Slowly, deliberately, I navigate the labyrinthine corridors of my abode, my footsteps echoing in the hallowed stillness of the early morn. The ethereal tendrils of dawn's first light, barely piercing the opaque veil of night, cast a muted glow upon the tapestries adorning the walls, their intricate patterns whispering tales of forgotten grandeur.

I headed toward our kitchen to make myself tea. Sighing, I realize that one of the maids had once again perched the tea bags upon the highest of shelves, even though I took them down every time. It really drove me crazy.

I grabbed a chair but hesitated; with my dizziness the risk of falling was too big. I released the chair, opened the door to the shelf and took a spatula.

I stood on my tiptoes and tried to shove the packet with teabags down from the shelf with the spatula, but I only managed to push it further back.

"This must be a joke," I sighed and closed my eyes in desperation.

Just then, a shadow fell over me and I shied back in surprise, then froze.

Jimin reached into the shelf and grabbed the packet to set it down on the counter for me. His face was stone, and he avoided looking at my face.

I averted my gaze from him. "Thanks," I mumbled quietly.

He didn't respond, only nodded before he went over to get himself some water. For once, he didn't pretend I was invisible.

I allowed myself a moment to watch him.

I don't want to admit it but I missed his closeness, his warmth. God, it hurt me more than anything to see that he doesn't even want to look at my face anymore.

My eyes lingered on him for a while. I turned away quickly, swallowing hard, and prepared my tea, wanting to get out of the kitchen as fast as possible.

With my mug in one hand, I headed for the door when a new wave of nausea mixed with dizziness crashed down on me.

The mug left my hand, smashing on the floor, spilling hot tea over my bare feet, but I barely registered the pain because my vision turned black and I tried to reach the table to steady myself.

The floor was approaching fast when strong arms wrapped around me, hoisting me up, and my palms pressed up against a hot chest. I sucked in a breath, my forehead dropping forward against muscles.

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