집착 • Obsession

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The bright light of the moon was being swallowed by the sky, right before night fully gives over to the day. All the colors in the room were muted.

Sitting at his large oak tree desk, Jungkook inspected some of the papers in front of him, while he had no idea about the storm that was about to happen.

Taehyung was filled with rage and he saw red when he stormed into Jungkook's office. Not even bothering to make any explanation, he pulled out his gun and aimed at his brother.

He stepped to the front of the table. He didn't sit down, wanting his brother to crane back his fucking neck to look up at him. Let him see who ruled over the country now, who ruled over him. He didn't give a fuck if his brother was pissed that Taehyung was the next throne. He'd kill his brother right in this room if it meant to save his wife from his brother's evil plans.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taehyung gritted his teeth.

Jungkook smiled, knowing it would only make him more enraged. "What do you mean my dear brother?"

"Stop the pretending! I'm warning you to stay away from my wife," Taehyung gripped his brothers suit, sending him a warming glare.

"I'm not the one you should tell this to," Jungkook replies as he tried to push him backward. "No matter how evil I seem, I would never touch my brothers wife in any way. But it seems to me that someone in our family doesn't share the same mindset as me."

"What the heck are you talking about Jungkook?" Taehyung was shaking with rage and barely could calm himself down.

Jungkook left out a low chuckle. This wasn't supposed to happen. Taehyung shouldn't have found out about this just yet. But if he plays this well, he can take lead of the situation and bring Taehyung on his side.

He became very still for a moment, as still as cunningly calm water that hides a monster in its depths.

"When will you understand that I'm not doing this to harm you or your family? I'm worried about whether my brother is being lied to or not. Don't you think that some things that your wife is telling you is very weird and doesn't make any sense?"

Taehyung stayed quiet. He would rather die than trust Jungkook. But something in his way of talking, made him question whether he was right or not.
"You should worry about yourself, not me," Taehyung said with a frown as he let go of his brother and straightens up in front of him.

Jungkook gave him a smirk. "I'm difficult to kill." He stood from the table, his hair wild, stopping when he came face to face with Taehyung. "You know it's the truth. Everyone has their own strengths and mine is just that I have a mastermind for evilness. I can protect myself very well but you? Let's be very honest, you couldn't even kill a damn fly."

Taehyung was about to resist but Jungkook raised his hand, his expression steel. "Whose name instills respect? Whose revenge does our enemies fear when they consider attacking us? I've been a member of the royal family for my whole life. I've killed close to two hundred enemies. It's my name they whisper in fear. They fear me because my actions speak louder than my age, because I'm capable of doing what has to be done, no matter how bloody, no matter how dangerous, no matter how merciless."

He moved around, stopping next to his brother. "You are the oldest, that's true, but how many fights have you taken part in? How many men have you tortured, how many enemies have you killed? You are just the first born. And that's what's saving you today. But are you really capable to fight for your wife if the person that betrayed you is one of us?"

Jungkook leaned closer. "I respect my family. I respect them as long as they respect me, but we both know that I wouldn't even feel any kind of guilt if one day I would need to kill one of them. I know how to fight, unlike so many past royals who spent their time hidden behind desks and behind their bodyguards. And this is exactly why you need me if you want to protect your wife from your brothers."

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