행복 • Happiness

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"What do you mean he found out?" The words reverberated through the air, causing Taehyung's heart to plummet into the depths of despair. The sheer disbelief etched across his face, his eyes widening in a mixture of shock and anguish. How could this have happened? The very thing he had dreaded, the one thing that had haunted his every waking moment, had now become an agonizing reality.

"He found out about the baby," the queen turned away, needing to sit down.

His trembling hands reached out, as if searching for something to anchor him amidst the tempestuous storm of emotions that threatened to consume him whole. The room seemed to spin, a whirlwind of thoughts and fears colliding within Taehyung's mind.

Frustration surged through his veins, a torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He clutched at his hair, his fingers entangled in the strands, as if hoping to find some semblance of control amidst the chaos that now enveloped his carefully constructed plans. This was not the way he had envisioned everything unfolding, not the path he had meticulously paved with hopes and dreams.

From the very beginning of their marriage, Taehyung had been acutely aware that the child growing within y/n was not his own, but rather a product of her illicit affair with Jimin.

He was aware of their affair long before the vows were exchanged, before the world deemed them husband and wife.

Yet, despite knowing about their affair, Taehyung had forged ahead, weaving a plan of deceit and manipulation alongside his mother.

But his motives were different from his mothers.

For his mother, the marriage had been a calculated move, a strategic maneuver to salvage their family's reputation and secure Taehyung's rightful place on the throne. But for Taehyung, the reasons ran far deeper, far more profound. It was not the preservation of his image or the maintenance of his royal lineage that fueled his actions. No, his heart yearned for something far more intangible, far more elusive.

In the depths of his soul, Taehyung craved the presence of y/n, her essence intertwined with his own in a way that defied logic and reason. The world could judge, could condemn their union, but he cared not for the opinions of others. All he desired was to be with y/n, to bask in the warmth of her love, even if it meant traversing a treacherous path fraught with deception and heartache.

"What are we going to do now?" The weight of the situation bore down upon him, threatening to crush his spirit beneath its unyielding burden. His heart, once filled with hope and boundless love, now quivered with the fear of losing the one person who had become his very reason for existence.

His hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white as he fought against the rising tide of despair. The thought of a life without y/n, of a future devoid of her radiant presence, was simply unbearable. Every fiber of his being rebelled against the notion, refusing to accept the cruel twist of fate that threatened to tear them apart.

In that moment, Taehyung's resolve solidified, his determination etched into the very core of his being. He would not let their love be extinguished, not without a valiant fight. The fire within him burned brighter than ever, fueling his unwavering commitment to protect their bond, to shield it from the storm that raged around them.

"This wasn't what I was hoping to happen when I forced y/n into this marriage," the queen let out a heavy sigh, her fingers gripping the chair searching for some hold. "Jimin was supposed to get over her and never find out about his child."

"It isn't your fault mother," Taehyung whispered, his voice barely audible. "It was too good to be true."

The queen's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at her son. Her heart broke for him. He had already suffered enough in life, and now he had to endure this. For once, he wanted to be happy with his wife, and even that, his brother took away from him.

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