결혼 • The Wedding

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My eyes are transfixed on the reflection staring back at me in the mirror. The deep red silk dress I've chosen for tonight's festivities is adorned with delicate black lace ruffles on the sleeves, and I can't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity with the woman staring back at me. The dress clings to my curves in all the right places, and I can't help but feel a sense of power and confidence emanating from within me. The color of the dress is a deep, rich red, reminiscent of the passion and intensity that I feel bubbling up inside of me.

As I gaze into the mirror, I am met with a stranger's reflection. A woman adorned in finery, her exterior a facade of glamour and elegance. Yet, within her, there is a void, a hollowness that cannot be filled by the trinkets and baubles that adorn her form. The jewels that cling to her skin like parasites, attempting to transform her into something she is not, only serve to accentuate the emptiness that resides within. They are but a mask, a veil to hide the truth of her existence.

It's funny, the way they strive to mold me into their ideal. Each day, they don their masks and play the part of a contented clan, while I, who have served them for so long, can see through the veneer to the sorrow that lies beneath.

And yet, they persist in their charade. They dress themselves in finery and force smiles upon their faces, as if to convince themselves that all is well. They speak in hushed tones, as if the very walls themselves are privy to secrets that must be kept hidden from prying eyes, as if afraid that any sudden noise might shatter the fragile illusion they have created.

But I know the truth. I have seen the tears that stain their pillows at night, the empty bottles that litter the floor, the bruises that they try so desperately to hide. I have watched as they struggle to keep their heads above water, to maintain the façade of a happy family, even as their world crumbles around them.

And so, I play my part. I wear the mask they have given me, and I smile when they ask me to. But deep down, I know that I am not like them. I am an outsider, a witness to their pain and their secrets. And though I may never truly understand their plight, I will always be there to bear witness to their struggles, to offer what little comfort I can in this dark and mysterious world.

Though I am to be wed to a prince, to enter into the world of the royals, I cannot shake the feeling that I do not belong here. The weight of my new title, the expectations that come with it, press down upon me like a heavy burden.

Becoming a part of the royals, especially as a woman, is a journey that is shrouded in darkness and mystery. It is a path that demands the sacrifice of one's entire life and freedom, leaving one to exist solely for the pleasure and whims of their husband. The weight of this realization bears down on me, and I feel a sense of unease as I gaze upon their lavish attire. How am I to become a part of this lifestyle, to don these garments every day and surrender myself to their world of opulence and privilege?

The very air around me seems to be infused with a sense of foreboding, as if the very walls of this grand palace hold secrets that are best left unspoken. The shadows that dance along the walls seem to whisper of the treacherous nature of this world, where alliances are forged and broken with the flick of a wrist, and where one misstep can lead to ruin.

And so I find myself torn between two worlds - the one I have left behind, with its simple pleasures and freedoms, and the one that beckons to me with its dark and seductive promises. As I stand here, caught between these two worlds, I cannot help but wonder what fate has in store for me.

But even as these doubts plague me, I know that I must carry on. I must don the mantle of princess, must play the part that has been assigned to me. For better or for worse, I am to be Prince Taehyung's wife tonight, and there is no turning back.

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