Extra - Armor

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In 1925, Humanity Re-Visited the past. To Combat the Anthro Melee advantage, Personal Armor was manufactured.

The first to Re-Visit armor was the Polish, with what was left of the Red Army Following suit.

The Germans quickly took the spotlight, with their Selbstschutz Mk. 3.

Ever since, many Countries have bought the armor, mainly in the Balkans.

Among the Users of the armor are the Germans, Poles, Soviets, Romanians, Turks, Bulgarians, Yugoslavs, Hungarians, Czechoslovaks, Danes, Swedes, and Finns.

But personal armor wasn't the only armor used.

Ever since they first appeared at Flers-Courcellete, the Tank has been of Vital importance.

However unable to be used in Autumn and Winter, Tanks Proved their effectiveness at the Liberation of Kyiv, where the German 3rd Maschinenkorps Led a 20,000 strong United Front through the Gates of the City, Now a Camp, and Liberated the remaining prisoners. Only 30 were left.

The Germans Pioneered Tanks, the MB Mk. 5 'Löwe' in 1924 being a Staple, reaching a top speed of 30 MPH (48.2 KPH for Non-Americans), and having 80MM of armor, with a 20 MM gun to match.

In 1925, America, the F-19 'Sumter' tank made its Debut. It was   slower, and overall worse, but Mass Produced.

In 1926 however, MB and F (Will not be using real names for Copyright) Collaborated, making the 'Friedenswächter' or 'Peacekeeper' Tank. It was an overall improvement on both designs, Being easily Mass Produced, and being as Powerful as the Löwe. It was quickly adopted by America, Germany, and a large part of Central and Eastern Europe.

But alas, Tanks aren't used as much past 1927, when an entire Tank Corps was wiped out by Prepared Defenses in Leningrad. The League of Nations Military Command Deemed it too costly to use them alone.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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