Oregon Trail - Chapter 10

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The Convoy kept moving, staying off major roads and avoiding checkpoints. Eventually, we passed a sign that said: "Welcome to Oregon". The sign itself was old, wooden, and had definitely seen better days. The area seems like the perfect place to die of Dysentery.

The Convoy stopped, coming to a Screeching halt. Leyska then began Yelling to us.

Leyska: "Attention! Put all masks on, we'll be heading into a Populated zone!"

I immediately put the Gas mask on, and we entered a Small Complex of buildings. There were what I can assume are Kids Running around, carrying Parts and such. Women were tending to the children, and older men were working on Weapons, bullets, and clothes.

Most of the buildings were Old, And made of wood. The bases of the Buildings were made out of Stone, and Windows were empty frames, occasionally having shattered glass.

We drive past a Burial Field, a 'Graveyard' as Johan said, and see miles of Stones sticking out of the ground. Each has a Name, and a Date.

Most of the Newer Stones also had a Phrase carved into them. "monstrum obiit. Sit nunc quiescat." (A Monster Killed him. May he now Rest.). My guess is it's some form of Description of their death.

I noticed those graves were all much cleaner, and most likely new. They also had Helmets Inscribed on them.

We reach a Military Checkpoint, and I Notice Johan Quickly writing a note. The Convoy stops, and  He Hands the Note to the guard. The Guard opens the Roadblock, and lets us through.

As we pass, I make sure my Helmet Covers my Ears fully.

When we pass the checkpoint, I hear a Crackling sound, and a Voice faintly.

???: "do not let the Convoy pass... Traitors... Monsters..."

I hear a crash, and a Box of some sorts get thrown. I see the 8 men come out. One stomps on it, and they all hop into the convoy.

The Convoy keeps moving, occasionally getting attacked by Snipers.

Eventually, it becomes sunset, and we stop to eat, and set up for the night.

Me, Johan, Leyska, the German Captain, and Corporal Freimann all are sitting by a fire, eating food.

I was eating Some Canned chicken, some Green Beans, and Canned milk. it was a lot better than most of the Food we had access to at the fort.

After several minutes of hearing nothing but the fire crackle, I decide to start some Small talk to break the silence.

Me: "So... How was your life before the War?"

Johan: "it was chaotic. Before the War, Germany was an utter mess. Infact, the Freikorps wasn't even a military division, it was a Paramilitary Force against Communism."

Me: "Communism? What's that?"

Johan: "It's a long story, but it essentially is the Seizure of land from landowners and Redistribution by the State, which would own all property."

Me: "Sounds like a Dictatorship."

Johan: "It was. The Soviet union- where your people originally came from- was A Communist Dictatorship.

Anyway, how was your life before we met?"

Me: "it was hectic. I was first deployed at Vancouver. Hell, the only reason we knew the cities name was because we hadn't destroyed the signs."

Johan: "that's a funny coincidence. I fought at Vancouver as well."

Me: "heh, agreed."

I take a sip of my canned milk, and hear a Brawl Breaking out.

Leyska and Johan Hear it too, and Move to see the Encounter. Several Freikorpsman had begun fighting with several of Johan's and our men. It was a 3 way brawl.

Johan sighs, takes out a small piece of metal, and blows into it. An Ear-piercing Sound rings Through, and All of Johans men and Most of the Freikorpsman Jump to attention, while me, Leyska, and most of our men clutch our heads from the loud noise.

I quickly recover, having been Used to loud noises. Sensitive hearing sucks.

The Freikorpsman who didn't stand at attention were definitely Drunk. They eventually Staggered to attention.

Leyska eventually regains her Bearings, and Orders us to attention. Our men slowly stand to attention, Gradually shaking off the ringing in their ears.

Johan whispers something to Leyska, and Then begins yelling at the Germans in a definitely angered tone.

Johan: "Seid ihr verdammte Tiere!? Wer auch immer dafür verantwortlich ist, tritt vor!" (Are you Fucking animals!? Whoever is responsible, Step forward!)

2 of the Drunken Freikorpsman Walk out tipsily.

Johan: "Sie werden auf Anzeige gestellt und haben für die nächsten 3 Tage Wachdienst. ABGESAGT." (You will be placed on Report and will have Sentry duty for the next 3 days. DISMISSED.)

the Germans Went back to what they were doing, except the 2 men who stepped forward, who grabbed their rifles, and Went off to the Lookout post.

Leyska them began Speaking to our men, and spoke with a Harsh tone.

Leyska: "Whoever was Involved in starting this, Step Forward."

One Bear Steps forward, Towering over the others.

Leyska: "Seargent Tragen, you are sentenced to have Sentry duty for the next 3 Cycles. DISMISSED!"

After that, we all left to resume eating. After more Small talk, I finish my food, I put the Cans in the Waste pile, and Head to the Truck to sleep.

I hop aboard it, and get comfortable amongst the others who also went to sleep. After about a half hour, I finally get to sleep.

-Reigns Mind, ??:??-

I hear Gunshots ring out all around me. I look around, my head is fuzzy, but I recognize several Deformed Human Corpses. After further regaining my Bearings, I see no less than 3 Order Keepers. They then grab me, and Escort me out of the room.

-The Convoy, 04:59-

I snap awake in a Cold sweat. I grab my Cap, and Put it on. I get up, and Silently Hop off the truck. The Brisk Morning air rushes through my fur as I walk, and as the Grass Rustles beneath my feet.

I walk to a Nearby Hill, overlooking the Valley below. The View is absolutely Breathtaking.

I sit down, and watch the Rising Sun

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I sit down, and watch the Rising Sun... The feeling of Change Washes through me, maybe today will finally be a turning point, where a life of war can finally change into something peaceful.

Just maybe.


Welp, this has been surprisingly relaxing to write. I've been having a lot of issues IRL, so updates are definitely slow. At least I have a working phone again!

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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