Extra - Factories.

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The Human Cleansing Chamber or H.C.C for short, is an Airtight Metal box about 100² Feet (30.5² Meters). It has 8 Vents on its Ceiling, meant to pump in Ural'skiy Gas.

The Chamber holds about 20 Humans at a time. The Humans Are loaded in, And the gas is pumped in. Humans who don't turn, or only Partially turn, Are Shot. In several Cases, they are Dragged out, Beaten, and Tortured for several days.

The New Anthros, or 'Molodoy' as they call them, are led into an education center, where Soldier Training is drilled into their head. After 2 weeks, they are shipped to the front.

In the Case of Humans Capturing the Facility, the Order Keepers are ordered to kill all prisoners, and Fight to the last breath.

Most humans who survive These camps say they are hell. Often Order Keepers are shot on sight if they surrender, And are never Reported to LoN High Command.

Rumors of Order Keepers Keeping Some Humans as Slaves Are Circulating across both Human And Anthro Ranks.

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