An Altercation - Chapter 4

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A bit of a warning for this chapter.

-Reigns POV-

I wake up in the middle of the night, after having that dream again.

I hear Quiet Sobbing, With curiosity I get up, and walk through the hallway.

The Hallway is dark, and the Light Groans of Wounded are heard. I walk down the hall, towards the crying. I reach the Generals office, and hear the Sobbing get louder.

Lightly push the door open, and see the general, drinking Alcohol out of a flask, crying.

Leyska: "*Hic* I-I Fucking killed them! *Hic* th-they weren't even fighting! I'm a f- *hic* Fucking monster!"

Me: "General?"

She shoots her head up in surprise.

Leyska: "O-Oh! Captain Reign! What're you doing up this late?"

Me: "Nightmare, What about you?"

Leyska: "Still having that night-"

Me: "Don't dodge the question."

Leyska just went quiet, and took a long drink from the flask

Leyska: ".... I was a Major at the time, we were still in the Far North, pushing into 'Canada'. We came across a Fort, *hic* Surrounded it quickly."

A tear fell down her cheek.

Leyska: "At the time I didn't know what it meant, but they raised a White flag.... *hic* We stormed the fort. There were no survivors. They D-didnt even..."

She started sobbing even more. I wrapped my hand around her shoulder, trying to comfort her. Tonight is going to be a long night.

-Johan's POV-

I'm sitting in my cell, wide awake. I hear the Guard Snoring, and Crying in the distance.

Feeling nosy, I get up, and Pick-pocket the Guard for the keys. I unlock the Prison-bar Door, and sneak out with the Crutches.

I near the source of the crying, the Generals office. I peek through the Ajar door, and see Reign Comforting the General. I decide to leave the 2 and head back to my cell.

-The Next Day-

We're all Packing things to head south, into American Lines. Except me, Who's under armed guard. Way to trust eine Lieutenant eh?

Well, not like I could be of much help anyway, I still have to use the Crutches to walk.

They thought it nice enough to give me my armor and Equipment back. With the exception of my Weapons and Grenades. Makes sense I Suppose.

I take my flask out of my Coat pocket, and take a swig. I began to ponder what went on with my unit, after all, as far as they know, I'm dead. Prolly got Re-called to Deutschland, I've heard they've been having Man-power issues.

I listen to the distant explosions and gunfire of the front. Prolly 5 or so Kilometers (3.1 Miles) out.

Reign: "I never did get your name."

Me: "Hm?"

Reign: "You never told me your name."

Me: "Johan, Johan Schmidt."

I hear the Crack of a rifle, and a pillar of dirt rises beside me.


The guards run for cover, and Reign helps me up. We quickly made for a large crate, and ducked behind it.

Me: "Verdammt, ich würde sofort für eine waffe töten." (Damnit, I'd kill for a gun right now.)

I look to the Crate, and feel stupid. It's a weapons crate. I open the crate, grab a rifle, and take my helmet off.

Reign: "what the hell are you doing!"

I stick my helmet out, and a bullet goes through it. I look at the hole and the ease of Peirce.

Me: "The Snipers in the treeline over there, about 200 Meters (218.7 Yards) out."

Reign: "What The- How the-"

Me: "the Hole in the helmet and how loud the shot was. Judging by the shoddy aim, one of yours, not ours. Wouldn't even of killed me if my head was in it."

Reign: "hey!"

I stick the helmet out again, and another bullet hits. I peek out and fire into the treeline, then duck again.

A bullet lands beside me, and I peek again. And the bullet hit it's mark, as a scream is heard.

I use my rifle to help myself up, and signal Reign that it's clear.


everyone gets up slowly, prepared to drop again if a shot rings out.

Me: "Scoper? Don't you mean Sniper?"

Reign: "Is that what you guys call them?"

Me: "Yeah."

Reign: "Huh."

Random Cit- I mean soldier: "The Prisoner has a gun! Get down!"

Everyone except the General and Reign drops to the floor.

I sigh, and look for my Crutches. I see them, and pick them up. I set the rifle down on the crate, and use the Crutches to walk over to where the sniper was, Reign following me.

I look at the sniper's spot, and see it's empty, with a small trail of blood and a rifle on the ground.

I follow the trail of blood into the woods, and see the Sniper. Bastard Bled out. My shot hit his shoulder, and blood was pouring out of the wound.

Me: "Got a Shovel?"

Reign: "Why?"

Me: "I'm at least gonna give the bastard a burial."

-Several Hours later-

After Burying the Sniper and being questioned about what happened, I was yet again, put under armed guard. Granted I was given a Small Sidearm, but it was a crappy Soviet Model.

Being bored, I started to hum a song Mein Mutter sang to me and my Brothers, 'Was ist das Deutschen Vaterland'.

Reign walked up beside me, and tapped my shoulder

Me: "hm?"

Reign: "The General says we'll move out soon, I'd get your things in order."

Me: "Alright, I'll be ready to move out."

I get up, and see the Convoy of trucks for the March. From my estimates, we'll reach American Lines in 2 weeks with the Convoy.

Me: "Das wird eine Hündin sein, dem Hauptquartier zu erklären." (This is going to be a Bitch to explain to HQ.)

I take one last sip of my flask, before I can go to the nearest truck, the General, Leyska I believe, stops me.

Leyska: "Your riding with me, You know the area better."

Me: *Sigh* "If you insist."

We walk up front, and get in a Jeep. the general starts it up, and Blows a whistle.


After that, a bunch of engines are heard, and the Convoy moves forward. The March South begins.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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