Chapter One - The New Kid

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 What a cliche, being the new kid at a highschool, especially one that transferred in so close to summer. Yet here Jonah was, three days into his new school, and sitting alone at lunch once again. Though the boy barely minded, he was never a big clique person, and it was obvious this school was full of them. He was much more of a one or two friends kind of person, only really ever having one close friend most of his life.

It didn't help that Jonah often looked a bit intimidating. He wore all black along with pants littered with patches of bands and some his best friend made. He also wore a leather jacket almost everyday, and custom lifted shoes he made with other shoes. Having very straight and flat black hair didn't help either. His hair was half way to his shoulders and often fell in front of his face. He loved his hair, but when it annoyed him he wanted to cut it all off, though he doubted he ever would

As Jonah was deep in thought reading a book instead of eating, he felt a paper ball hit him. He looked over to the group of cheerleaders who threw it at him, they were giggling loudly. He opened up the paper and all it read was 'VAMPIRE FREAK' so he crumpled it back up and shoved it in his pocket to throw in the garbage later. Then the boy went back to his book ignoring the loudness of the cafeteria.

The rest of the school day was pretty normal, teachers going on and trying to assign work to students who had already accepted summer and didn't try. So far he had sat in the back in each class, being sure to avoid the popular cliques. Though in chemistry he was paired with a girl from the cheer team who actually seemed nice enough to work with. Jonah started to think he would have no real friends at this school, at least not before summer started.

When the last class rolled around Jonah felt relief. He was glad summer break was close, though he hated having to suffer through to get there. Sitting in class was boring and time consuming, especially when teachers didn't let him read, or draw. He often found himself staring out the window when the class got too boring. So when the final bell rang the boy stood up. He packed his supplies into the bag and slung it over his shoulder. As he looked to the door he saw the crowd leaving and let out a sigh before deciding to wait until things cleared up. He sat slightly on the desk, more so leaning than sitting as he waited. When the door was clear he exited, being sure to touch the door frame with his left hand. Jonah made his way to the locker, 'at least it was Thursday'. That's what he kept telling himself as he put his books into his locker. The halls were practically empty now, with just a few stray students finishing up at their lockers.

Jonah looked in the small mirror he had hung up in his otherwise empty locker. The magnet on the mirror also held up a polaroid of him and his friend Chloe at a concert. She had bright red hair in a mohawk and heavy eyeliner. Her tongue was out and arm over Jonah, her other hand making a rocker sign. Jonah had his hair teased up and bat wing eyeliner and black lipstick. It was clear he took the polaroid and his extended arm was seen in the photo slightly. He looked down at the picture before back in the mirror to check on his hair and eyeliner. His eyes were a bit smudged but it wasn't too noticeable from a distance. When he felt done he shut the locker, he had no homework so he left his bag in the locker for the night.

As the boy began to walk to the exit he heard a voice. "Vampire!" Called the voice of a football player. Jonah let out a sigh as he knew the only one he must be talking to is him. Maybe if he didn't get that note today he would think it just could be someone else, but the halls were empty.

"What?" Jonah asked as he turned around to face the blond boy.

"Heard you got paired with Dana in Chemistry," the boy said getting closer, he had two other boys in letter jackets standing behind him with their arms crossed.

"So? Wasn't my choice," he informed.

"I just don't want you getting any ideas. She won't be your friend, or your little girlfriend. She is too good for you, that's a fact."

"Okay. Can I go now?"

"You're a fucking brat. Do you hear me? Stay away from Dana!"

"Cant avoid a lab partner really," Jonah shrugged as the boy got close enough to be arms reach.

"You're so annoying, just know we are watching you, always."

"Okay, is that all?"

"Fuck," the boy cursed under his breath before shoving Jonah quickly. Jonah stumbled back but was able to regain his balance from years of walking in his lifted shoes.

"Whats your problem?" Jonah snapped.

"You! Freaks like you, and that hellfire club, and the band geeks. All thinking you deserve a place here or are anywhere near our level. Every now and then one of you freaks tries to take some popular girl and ruin her!!" Finally the boy threw a punch at Jonah, causing Jonah to back up more to avoid it.

"Leave him alone asshole!" a voice yelled from behind the boys.

((A/N Cover by @HellfireMunsonClub and I also have a one shot crush X reader story on my page if you like other characters or want to be a reader with Eddie!!))

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