Chapter Four - Another Day

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Jonah is a morning person, so he was up at five thirty this morning to get ready. He made himself some toast and jelly for breakfast along with a cup of apple juice. He then started getting ready by brushing his teeth and hair. He teased his hair in the back to give it a poofy looks. He then put on eyeliner around his eyes, along with extra under his eyes. He got dressed in a fishnet shirt under a shirt for a local band from his home town, and some plain black jeans. With it getting warmed the boy found himself wearing his leather jacket less. After checking himself in a mirror by the door he put on his home made platform shoes that made him five foot eleven.

"You look great," his mom complimented with a yawn from her bedroom doorway. "Have a good day."

"You too mom," he replied before grabbing his keys and touching the door frame. When he got to his car he got in and began the short drive to the trailer park. Their home was a one floor two bedroom home, it wasn't in the nice suburbs part of the town but more in the outskirts and near the trailer park. He didn't really care though, where someone lived shouldn't mean anything, but he knew a lot of people looked down on trailer parks.

Jonah pulled up to Eddie's trailer a minute before seven, and once the clock changed Eddie came out of the door. He had a smile that faded as he walked closer.

"You really are on time," he stated as he climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up.

"I told you I would be here on the dot," Jonah shrugged.

"Yeah but people rarely follow through. I hoped maybe I could tease you for being late but you weren't," he admitted.

"Honestly? I was here a minute early even," Jonah chuckled as they started the drive to the school.

"So I really couldn't win huh?"

"Guess not."

"Can I just come out and ask? Do you ever smoke? Like, anything?" Eddie asked.

"No I don't. I mean, never liked cigarettes," he looked over at Eddie. "But by the looks of you I assume you mean weed. I don't do that either, but I don't mind. My old best friend always smoked, both things," he told him watching the road.

"Old best friend huh? Tell me about them," Eddie grinned.

"Not much to tell, girl named Chloe, was new at school when we were nine and we stuck together ever since."

"That's fun! Do you still get to talk to her? I mean being out here now."

"Some times, we haven't really talked since the first time I called off our phone," he admitted.

"Hope I'm not prying but why did you move here? Especially so close to summer?" Eddie finally asked.

"Well, my mom and I lived with her dad, my grand dad. He got sick and passed away two months ago. Mom couldn't stand staying in the house anymore and sold it. We finally moved out here about a week ago to start new."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Even more sorry you guys picked Hawkins." Eddie added and Jonah glanced at him.

"Mom said she was raised here until twelve so thought itd be nice to come back. But so far, the school has been hell," Jonah admitted. As they pulled into the parking lot of the very building they were discussing.

"See you after school?" Eddie asked as the two got out of the car and Jonah locked it.

"Sure," Jonah agreed. 

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