Chapter Two - Fight or Flight

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 "Leave him alone asshole!" The voice pierced the halls and made all three jocks turn to see who dared speak up against them. Jonah let his gaze follow theirs to see the boy with wavy brown hair and a jean jacket standing at the end of the hallway. Jonah had never met the boy before nor did he look familiar.

"What'd you say freak?" The blond male asked, taking his attention away from Jonah.

"You heard me, leave him alone." The mysterious boy argued back.

"Yeah? If I don't? What are you going to do?" The Bully asked with a smirk causing his two goons to chuckle.

"Guess we'll have to fight," the boy claimed with a shrug, causing the jocks to laugh once again. Jonah was never a big fighter, but his old best friend Chloe was, and she was sure to teach him some defense moves. Though he really didn't want to fight right now if he could avoid it.

"Fight huh? Didn't know freaks knew how. Well, come fight me then." The three boys put their attention on the stranger. A smirk spread on the boy's face as he walked a bit closer to the jocks.

One of the jocks cracked his knuckles loudly before pulling his arm back to punch the long haired boy. As he swung the male quickly ducked and punched the Jock in his stomach. A groan came out the jock's mouth before he swung again landing one on the boy's face. The mysterious stranger stumbled back before punching again and landing it on the jocks cheek.

The second Jock walked closer and threw his own punch hitting the stranger in his mouth. His lip busted open and blood began to drip down his chin. A laugh came from the leader of the three, causing Jonah to feel his blood boil. He didn't know this stranger but if he was willing to fight for him, Jonah should do the same.

Jonah came up behind the leader who had already seemed to forget Jonah was there. He put his hands on the back of the boys jacket, gripping it tightly, before he slammed the Jock into a locker. Afterwards he threw a punch at the male hitting him in the face. His nose began to trickle blood and he looked quickly to his two lackeys. The two boys stared at their leader then to Jonah before a voice broke the tension.

"Hey! Schools over!" The voice yelled from down the hall. Quickly the Jock got to his feet and began running with the other two away. "Hey!" The voice yelled again as the stranger who saved Jonah ran past him.

"Come on!" He exclaimed, causing Jonah to run behind him.

The two ran through the halls and out the side doors near the cafeteria, Jonah touching the frame as he exited. They continued to run after leaving the building, all the way until Jonah got to his car and began to catch his breath. "Fuck" he mumbled.

"Not clear yet let's go," the boy said, pulling on the door handle to the car. Jonah unlocked the car and the two got in and buckled up. He turned the key and began to drive away.

He wasn't sure where they were driving to, just away from the school. He figured he would just drive in the direction of his home for now. At least that was his plan before the stranger in his car spoke up.

"Pull in over there!" He pointed to a small clearing in the middle of the woods they were passing. Jonah did as told and followed a small dirt trail to a clearing that had enough room for probably three cars. Once there he put the car into park and looked over at the boy.

"Thanks for saving my ass," Jonah broke the silence.

"Hey, you saved mine too with Dawson," the boy chuckled a bit. "He's big, didnt think you could take him." Jonah felt himself chuckle as well.

"Guess I'm stronger than I seem."

"Hell yeah. Oh, almost forgot. I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."

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