Chapter Ten - Mason Jones

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Jonah worried the two of them were getting in over their heads, could they really solve a murder? But the two spent all night going over what they remembered, Jonah writing many things down in a notebook. They tried to pinpoint the time, what they heard, and how tall the guy may have been. It didn't seem like a lot to go off of. So they chose to get some sleep and would work first thing in the morning.

When Jonah woke up in the bean bag chair he read over his notes in the notebook until Eddie woke up as well.

"Morning," Jonah chuckled as he stood and stretched his body, a pop being heard.

"Morning," Eddie yawned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He seemed less phased by all that was going on, which Jonah wasn't too happy about. He watched the boy as Eddie got up and changed shirts for the day. "Need a new shirt or wearing that?" He asked.

"I'll just wear this. I can go home later." Jonah stuffed his notebook in his pocket. "For now, I think we need to go to Masons house. Do some snooping." Jonah suggested.

"Sure. Know where he lived?" He asked.

"Yeah.. he wasn't too far from me."

It wasn't a long drive to the boys house in jonahs car. The small house had no garage and was only one floor. They parked in the driveway by another car. As they got out Jonah fixed his flat hair and looked at Eddie.

"We look like troubled teens" Jonah mumbled as they walked to the door.

"Who cares?" Eddie replied before Jonah rang the doorbell. A man opened the door, he was short with dark hair and dark eyes. He looked kind and sad as he studied the two at his door.

"Who are you two?" He asked.

"Hi. I'm Jonah. I kind of knew mason," Jonah started before the man shook his head.

"My mason didn't have many friends. Why are you really here?" He asked.

"Well. I'm concerned about his.. passing. I don't think he killed himself." Jonah stated.

"I agree with that... he was troubled sure, but he would never do such a thing. I saw the body. He couldn't do that. Especially with a gun, he was Terrified of them. I even gave up my old hunting rifle for him." The man told them with a sigh. "Come in." He moved and left the door open. The two followed into the small house.

"We were wondering if we could investigate his room?" Jonah asked.

"And who are you? Why do you care so much?" He asked.

"I'm Jonah. I just.. he was a nice kid, even if we barely talked. And.. we heard the gun shot. We didn't see what happened but I really don't believe he did it himself."

"Well Jonah, im Zach. And you have permission to go in his room. He spent almost all of his time in there. He loves his computer device," Zach told them. Jonah gave a nod as Zach pointed to a closed door.

"Thank you Zach" Eddie said as the two went to the bedroom. It was organized and neat, with some posters of movies on the walls. The shelves on one wall had many books and his bed was still made up. The room looked pristine. Jonah noticed Zach didn't follow them.

"Very neat," Jonah said and Eddie nodded.

"Nothing like my place," he chuckled as he looked around. Jonah nodded in agreement. Jonah walked to the computer and sat down at the desk.

"Look around for a password or any kinds of clues," he said as he began rifling through the papers and things on the neat desk. He found homework and some notes and journals. He began reading the journals, not having really anything important at first. The room is mostly quiet as he reads. Eddie began going through drawers and messing up the clothes. He then moved to the closet. By the time Jonah finished the first journal that ended a few days before his passing he looked at the state of the room. Ten minutes with Eddie and it was already a mess, but thoroughly searched so far. "Finding anything?" Jonah asked.

"Not yet. You?" Eddie asked walking to the bed.

"No, but this journal might," he said opening the next one and flipping to the last page.

'I didnt want to write about this but Im going to meet another person like me.. Im excited and terrified.' was all the page had written in it. Jonah sighed with a nod.

"Of course he wouldnt write it in an easy to access journal," he said softly.

"Hey Jonah," Eddie said as he returned to him with a magazine. An adult magazine, with a shirtless man on the cover. "This was under the mattress."

"Let me see," he said flipping through and finding a sticky note on one page with the password to his computer. "Perfect."

"So.. He for sure was," Eddie trailed off as Jonah logged into the computer.

"Not our business," Jonah said and Eddie gave a hum before putting the magazine back, hidden away. "Besides Im on the computer," he added. He went to the internet history and found the boy mostly was on a small forums page. Jonah didnt use his computer a lot for more than a few games, so he wasnt sure how to go about this forum page. Though he could find there were instant messages between the account Mason used and a deleted account. It was all there, a fake name of Carl, claiming to be 16 as well and gay living in hawkins. The forums page was for indiana and had only ten members it seemed including Mason.

"So?" Eddie finally asked breaking the silence. "Find anything?"

"Killer was claiming to be named Carl and 16. His account is gone though," Jonah told him as he began searching through emails and finding one in the trash bin. One between him and Hawkins23. All it said was Im here from Mason. He had no other emails. "Only one email. He probably deleted them, Carl must have told him too."

"Try posting," Eddie told him. Jonah nodded and began writing on the forum.

'This is a friend of Mason. I hate to inform he has passed away.' Jonah wrote and posted.

"Why not ask about if he was killed?" Eddie asked.

"What if the killer reads it?" Jonah replied. Soon a ding was heard from an Instant Message. 

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