Chapter Three - Firebird

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"Eddie Munson," the boy introduced, sticking out his hand. Jonah noticed the boy's hand had a bit of blood on the knuckles, but then again so did his.

"Jonah Demington," he replied, shaking his hand. "Glove compartment, tissues," he said pointing to the glove box. Eddie opened it, taking out a pack and cleaning up his lip and knuckles. Jonah took one to clean up the bit of blood on his hand from the jock's nose.

"Seriously, you looked so cool back there," Eddie said as he put the tissues in the same paper bag Jonah did.

"You're one to talk, you came in like some hero from a show, sticking up for a stranger," Jonah pointed out which made Eddie chuckle.

"They pick on everyone that isn't perfect in their eyes. So I know how it feels and didn't like seeing it happen. Guess I was just in the right place, right time."

"Very right time, I don't know if I could have, or even would have wanted to take them on," Jonah admitted. He felt he got lucky getting the boy with his guard down, and if a teacher, or whoever it was didn't yell, they may have gotten badly beaten.

"Well, strength in numbers, so we should stick together," Eddie said with a grin. "Before you get to reply, remember I did save you."

"Sure, why not," Jonah gave a shrug before putting his hands on the wheel. "Want a ride home?"

"Yeah, I live in Forest Hills Trailer park."

"I passed there going to school," Jonah commented as he started up the car and began to pull out.

"Good, I dont have to guide you. Mind if I smoke? I mean this is a really nice car."

"Nineteen Seventy Four Firebird, very nice car indeed. My grand dad picked it out last year," Jonah told him as he drove before glancing over. "But you can smoke, just crack the window," he added with a smile before looking at the road. Eddie lit up a cigarette and smoked out the window, choosing to have it fully down rather than a crack. Jonah flipped on the radio that had a Misfits cassette in. The music filled the car as he drove. Soon they arrived at the trailer park.

"This one," Eddie said pointing at his trailer as it came up. Jonah pulled close to it and stopped the car. "Well Jonah, this was fun," he said as he climbed out of the car.

"It was, though I would like to not fight people next time we meet."

"That could be arranged. Maybe you could give me a ride to school?"

"Sure, but be ready by seven, I will be here on the dot," Jonah warned and Eddie chuckled.

"I'll do my best," Eddie replied as he jogged off to the trailer. Jonah backed out and left the trailer. The home he shared with his mom was not far and it didn't take him long to get home.

"How was school?" His mom, Karly asked.

"Fine, I think I made a friend," he admitted.

"Oh I hope so, I know that leaving Chloe was hard and this whole move is. I'm sorry hun."

"I know, and it isn't that hard mom, I promise. As long as you are holding up well."

"I am, though I ordered pizza for dinner if you don't mind, work was so tiring."

"Always love pizza," Jonah told his mom before taking a few slices to his room. He spent some time watching a movie and eating before he cleaned his dishes and went to bed. 

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