Chapter twelve - Coming Out

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When Eddie woke up he saw Jonah asleep in a chair. He stared at him with a small smile before gently patting his head to wake him up.

"Why don't we take a break? Go get some breakfast?" Eddie asked.

"I guess," Jonah replied with a yawn before he stood up. Eddie left the room while Jonah got ready in some jean shorts and a band shirt. When he left the room he saw Eddie and Karly looking at some photos on the wall of young Jonah and his grandpa.

"You were so cute jo jo," Eddie teased.

"We going or not?" Jonah asked and Eddie gave Karly a wave goodbye as they left.

When they made it to the diner, Eddie ordered a waffle with fruit and Jonah got some eggs. As they ate Eddie noticed Jonah was zoned out a lot, and he kept looking out the window and at the door.

"You okay?" Eddie asked.

"No. How can I be okay?" Jonah snapped. "I mean. What if he knows, what if he is looking for us."

"We'll get him. We can do this," Eddie said taking the boys hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you," he added. When the waiter walked over with their bill Eddie pulled his hand away fast.

"Whenever you're ready," the man said putting the bill down.

"I'll pay, you go wait in the car," Eddie said and Jonah gave a nod. They both stood up and Eddie went to pay as Jonah made his way outside. As he approached the car, he was confronted by the same Bullies from school.

"Hey fag, on a date?" One asked as he shoved Jonah. Eddie came out quickly but before he could intervene Jonah pulled out a knife.

"Fuck off or it'll be a gun next time!" He threatened and the boys ran off. Jonah put the knife away before getting in his car.

"Jonah. That was... impressive," he said as he climbed into the car.

"I'm not trying to be impressive Eddie. I'm fucking terrified!! I'm a target, we are targets!" Jonah began to cry as Eddie put an arm around him. "Eddie, they're right about me.... I'm gay." He admitted.

"That does seem hard to live with" Eddie admits.

"I could have easily been that boy.." Jonah whispers. Eddie nods slightly. It's silent. "Do you.. see me differently?"

"No of course not. I mean.. well. Maybe? But only because I uh... I kind of like you. In a way I haven't liked a boy before. And you being gay may give me a chance" he chuckled.

"A chance?"

"Like. To date one day maybe."

"Eddie. There is a homophobic killer and I just got assaulted. Do you really think a date is a good idea? I.. I dont think I can."

"But.. we get along so well, and you make me feel happy Jonah."

"We've been hunting a murderer! How can you be happy? I'm terrified every second we leave home"

"I.. I'm sorry. I don't want to pressure you. It just came out."

"I'm sorry too. Maybe when this guy is caught, we can try" Jonah says before starting the car. "We need to keep working" he adds. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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