Chapter Nine - Dead Boy

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"Police have found the dead body of a teen boy who attended Hawkins Highschool. Mason Jones was only sixteen and found with a bullet wound in the woods. Found by an anonymous tip about a gunshot. Nothing is known about who shot poor Mason, or why," the news anchor reported on the radio in the kitchen of Eddie's trailer. Jonah sat in a chair at the small table eating a piece of toast. Eddie sat on the counter near the fridge as he ate a bowl of cereal.

"I can't stop thinking about it," Jonah admitted and Eddie turned down the radio. It was now reporting on the weather, already passing over the death of a teen.

"Me either, but hopefully the police find something," Eddie said. Jonah had little belief in the police, he had been bullied a lot in his old town, even been put in physical danger and cops never helped once. They were corrupt and controlled by the rich families. He worried it was like that here, and with the kid being an outcast they may not even try.

"What if they don't?" Jonah asked and Eddie let out a sigh.

"I don't know. I mean, what can we do?" he asked and Jonah gave a shrug.

"I wish we had seen something," Jonah admitted. "It was terrifying, but we could at least help if we had."

"Me too, but we have to just stay calm for now," Eddie replied as he hopped off the counter and washed his bowl in the sink.

"I guess you're right, we just need to wait."

"Exactly, why don't we just hang out, get high," Eddie suggested with a grin and Jonah nodded in agreement.

Jonah felt worried all day, he feared the man would somehow find them, somehow know they were there and saw him. That he would hunt them down to be sure there were no witnesses. But laying in bed smoking with Eddie helped the boy calm down a lot. He laid on his back staring up at the fan, a joint perched between his lips. Eddie sat on the floor organizing some of his records.

"Do you think that man knew we were there?" Jonah finally asked after taking the joint out of his lips. He sat up and looked at Eddie.

"I doubt it, I mean, he would have done something," Eddie said, putting down the record he held and looking at Jonah. "Are you scared?"

"Probably just the weed," Jonah shrugged it off.

"Maybe the news has an update if you want to go to the kitchen. Probably need to eat dinner anyways."

"Sure," Jonah agreed as he pulled himself to his feet. He inhaled deeply from the joint before handing it to the other boy. Eddie took it and smoked as he walked to the kitchen.

"What are you hungry for?" he asked while he turned on the radio that was currently playing music instead of reporting.

"I don't really care."

"Frozen pizza it is," Eddie said as he took out a box. He heated up the oven and Jonah stayed seated in his chair. Soon the music faded on the radio and a new anchor began to talk.

"Police have declared Mason Jones' death to be a suicide. They state the poor boy was a homosexual, and didnt want to live in his sin anymore. The case is closed and our condolences go out to the family, next up-" Eddie shut off the radio quickly.

"Fucking christ. Suicide? Really?" Eddie cursed and Jonah stood up.

"I knew they wouldn't care. The moment they heard he could be gay I bet they dropped it."

"This is bullshit!" Eddie cussed once again before sighing.

"So, what can we do?" Jonah asked.

"We try to solve this case." 

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