Chapter Seven - Did You Hear That

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The two weeks of school leading up to summer went by quicker and nicer than Jonah had expected. Each day he had a group to sit with at lunch, he and Eddie got to spend a class together, and Dana stayed nice and they got a good grade in their class. On top of that anyone who has seen them considered Eddie and Jonah close friends now. Even better Jonah sat in another campaign and helped more with a premade character. So far the end of Junior year was not as awful as he feared.

When the final bell rang Jonah rushed out the door before the crowd and touched the door frame. He went to his locker to take the few things he had in it home for the summer. He opened his bag and stuffed the books in before the magnetic mirror. He held the polaroid of him and Chloe in his hand before he heard the voice of his new closest friend.

"Jonah!" Eddie greeted, walking to the boy. "Already cleared my locker, need any help?"

"Not really, just had a mirror and photo," Jonah told him looking down at the picture. Eddie looked down at it upside down before holding out his hand.

"May I?" he asked and Jonah handed him the polaroid. Eddie studied it for a moment.

"You look really cute, and Chloe seems like a cool friend to have," He finally said before he handed the photo back. It had been in his locker this whole time but Eddie never asked or looked too close.

"Thanks," Jonah said, putting the photo in a notebook. Though it was hard for him to deny it, he still kept to himself the new feelings that had stirred over the two weeks. He felt like he finally had friends, more than just one even. He didn't want to ruin whatever this was by having a silly crush. So he ignored it, and soon shut his empty locker. He slung his bag over his shoulder and the two began to walk towards the main entrance.

"Summer is officially here!" Eddie cheered as they reached the door, Jonah touched the frame as they exited.

"It sure is, no more class," Jonah added, though he was less loud about it. As they approached the car Eddie unlocked it and the two climbed in. They had spent a lot of time together in this car already. Almost every day Jonah picked him up in the morning for school and took him home after. He also spent a lot of time at Eddie's trailer, especially on the weekends, though Eddie had yet to come to Jonah's home, he was nervous of Eddie meeting his mom.

"Let's go get shakes and smoke in our spot," Eddie pitched the idea as he buckled up and lit a cigarette between his lips.

"Sounds like a plan," Jonah replied as he pulled out of the parking spot, and soon drove away from the school. At the burger and shake shop they got their usuals, strawberry for Jonah and chocolate for Eddie. Eddie held the shakes, sipping at his occasionally, as they drove to the clearing the two first pulled into after their fight and first time meeting. Jonah pulled as close to the trees as he could before parking and the two climbed out of the car. Edde carried the drinks and Jonah grabbed a bag from his backseat.

The two walked through the woods ducking through a few spots and stepping over a log to an even smaller clearing that had two lawn chairs the boys had dragged out to here. Other than the chairs, the area seemed like another part of the woods and not too special. Though for the boys it was a secret area they could smoke freely at.

Jonah sat in a seat, putting his shake in the cupholder, then opened the bag he carried. It had a grinder that Eddie had bought the boy along with a baggie of weed, some rolling papers, a lighter, and a glass pipe Eddie had also bought for him. Jonah had not asked for either item, but he had started smoking with Eddie more. One day when Jonah came over Eddie said he had a surprise and pulled out the grinder and pipe for him.He was appreciative of course especially since Eddie often lets him bum flower off him too. He has offered to pay for some of the weed but Eddie said he didn't need to. Though that was part of why Jonah paid for so many things like today's shakes, he wanted to pay the boy back for everything he had done for him.

"Joint, or pipe?" Eddie asked as he sat in his seat and sipped on the straw to his shake. "Also, want my cherry?"

"Joint, if you roll," the boy said, pulling out the papers and grinder. "And yes, is that even a question?" the boy asked. Jonah noticed Eddie leaving his cherry more than twice and asked if he liked them one night while stoned. Eddie told him not really and Jonah told him how he loved them. Now, Eddie seemed to always ask, sometimes just move it to Jonah's shake for him. Such as now when Eddie leaned over and put the cherry into Jonah's whipped cream next to his own cherry.

"Sure, gimme," he held out his hand and Jonah placed the two items into it, then pulled out a small piece of cardboard for Eddie to roll on. Jonah ate the two cherries as Eddie rolled the joint, and when it was done Eddie flashed a smile at Jonah.

"Wondrous," Jonah said with a chuckle as he looked at the joint the other boy put between his lips. Jonah took a lighter from the bag and tossed it over to the boy before drinking more of his shake. When it was his turn he took his two puffs and passed back. He had gotten better at not coughing as much and being able to enjoy the smoke. He was starting to enjoy being high, if only Chloe could see him finally smoking. The joint came back to him soon.

"We have all summer to just relax now," Eddie pointed out as he drank from his straw. Jonah took his two puffs and leaned forward to pass it back.

"Yeah? Any big plans?" Jonah asked.

"Nope. Play D&D with you guys, get high each day, probably find a way into your room before school starts." Jonah felt his face heat up as he saw a smirk spread on Eddie's face.


"You heard me, even if I have to sneak in your window, I'm going to see your room."

"You think so?"

"Of course, we are best friends after all."

"Are we now?"

"Well I would say you're mine, if I had to pick."

"Guess it'd be rude of me not to pick you back then huh?"

"Indeed," Eddie took the joint from the boy after they had passed it back and forth while speaking. It was down to a roach and Eddie handed it to Jonah who put it in a small jar he kept in the bag, thanks to seeing Eddie's in his room.

"Want to roll another?" Jonah asked.

"Sur-" his voice was cut off by the piercing sound of a gunshot in the woods, not far from them. 

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