Chapter Five -D&D

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The school day was slow and boring like every day, it seemed as summer neared each day felt an hour longer than the last. He did get to find out he shared the class before lunch with Eddie along with lunch. The boy was kind enough to invite him to his table, it had two other boys, Gareth a sophomore, and Jeff a junior like him and Eddie. Eddie had been kind enough to introduce everyone right away so Jonah didn't need to talk too much, and the group mostly talked about the band they were putting together. Jonah didn't feel the need to mention the instruments he had learned, but he did like the idea of one day trying to join a band if they really did it.

After lunch Jonah was on his own in every class besides Chemistry where he was still paired with Dana. The two had to do a lab with some chemicals and a bunsen burner. Jonah considered himself pretty smart especially with science, and it seemed Dana overcame the dumb cheerleader stereotype.

When school came to an end Jonah was thankful it was Friday and he had no homework once again. He left his bag in the locker once again before he left the school touching the door frame as he left. While walking towards his car he felt arms wrap around him under his arms from behind. He felt his face turn bright red right away as he heard the chuckle from behind him. Eddie let go of the boy and switched to his left arm being slumped over the boy's shoulders.

"Jonah! You have to come over today," Eddie exclaimed, not noticing the blush Jonah quickly subdued.


"We're playing Dungeons and Dragons! You just have to come! You could play even if you want to make a character!" he exclaimed letting go of the boy and walking backwards in front of him instead. "Or you could play a premade character I have," he added.

"I don't know, never played before. Not sure I want to try today," he admitted as they approached his car.

"Come on, it's at my trailer, my uncle is out all weekend so we can play as long as we want."

"Im just not sure,"

"You don't have your bag so you have no homework. And I know you haven't met anyone but me really, so what else is it?" Eddie asked with a chuckle and Jonah rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I just don't like you," Jonah smirked.

"No that's not it. Maybe it's because I didn't tell you we are having burgers and fries for dinner, milkshakes too if we go pick them up," Eddie grinned.

"Fuck... you got me," Jonah chuckled and unlocked the car. "You're driving, but don't get a scratch on him," he said, tossing the keys to the boy and getting in the passenger seat.

It didn't take long for Eddie to hit up a burger joint and park. "Any requests? I got the guy's orders written," he said as he unbuckled.

"Strawberry shake, cheeseburger and large fry. Here," he pulled a ten dollar bill from his wallet and handed it to the boy.

"No, it's on me today."

"Come on, just use it, I want to buy my share at least," Jonah pushed and the boy took the bill before disappearing inside. Jonah waited in the car for a while until Eddie came back with two paper bags of food in one hand and a drink tray of shakes in the other. Jonah leaned over and opened the door from the inside for the boy.

"Thanks," Eddie said as he sat down and handed the bags and drinks to Jonah. He got buckled up and began the drive to his trailer while Jonah held the food. The two didn't talk as music played through the car.

When they arrived at the trailer Eddie parked and carried the two bags inside while Jonah took the shakes. He got Strawberry, Eddie got Chocolate, Gareth got Vanilla, and Jeff got a Vanilla strawberry mixture. The two were there first and Eddie quickly moved his coffee table and brought out a card table and four folding chairs. He sat up the map he made and his dm screen before finally sitting and taking out his burger and fries from the bag.

"Mind if I sit on the couch after I eat?" Jonah asked as he sipped on his shake.

"Sure, but if you ever want to play you can join in," Eddie urged once again as he began to eat. After two bites the door opened and the two boys had shown up before their food could get food. Jonah sat opposite of Eddie and opened up his burger and fries. As they ate the others pulled out character sheets, figures, and dice. Jonah observed as they began, though once his food was gone he moved to lounging on the couch and sipping his shake, though he continued to listen.

After two hours Eddie had set the scene of the two boys exploring a village and finding out about a hidden treasure in a cave. The two fought Kobalts and a dragon before ending up in a small room with a large chest. The chest can only be answered by a riddle, which has stumped the two for almost half an hour now.

"I don't have eyes, but once I did see. I once had thoughts, now white and empty." Eddie repeated as the boys were deep in thought. Jonah had finished his shake and was listening to them talk along with the faint music from the other room.

"I know," Jonah finally spoke up, he at least was certain he did and had been thinking about it for a while now.

"Tell us I don't want to think anymore," Gareth pleaded.

"A skull."

"Correct! The chest slowly opens revealing gold and jewels, along with a new dagger and special arrows for your characters. You'll need them for the next campaign," Eddie grinned.

"Jonah you have to join next time," Jeff said and Jonah chuckled, shaking his head.

"I doubt it, not really my thing," he said, though he had found himself intrigued and hanging on to Eddie's every word. Maybe he could play one day, he just wasn't sure if he was ready yet.

Soon Jeff and Gareth left and Jonah had plans on leaving soon as well before Eddie spoke up. "Hey, do you have any plans tonight or tomorrow?"

"Not really, just sleep when I get home."

"Well, you could sleep here. I think it'd be fun."

"I don't see why not. Can I use your phone?" Eddie pointed him to the phone on the wall and Jonah gave his mom a call, it wasn't hard to get her to say yes and once she did he hung up the phone. 

Summer Sunsets ♡ Eddie Munson MLM FanficWhere stories live. Discover now