Chapter Six - Boys Don't Cry

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The two spent some time cleaning everything up and taking out the trash. The put away the chairs and table before moving the coffee table back to the couch area.

"Perfect," Eddie said.

"Probably cleaner than when I got here," Jonah chuckled.

"Wait until you see my room," Eddie said softly with a chuckle to himself. The two went to the room Eddie slept in and it was worse than Jonah imagined. It wasn't disgusting, but there were clothes scattered about, a record player and speaker in the corner by a beanbag chair, three milk crates of records in that corner as well. His mattress sat on the floor with no frame next to a nightstand with an orange lava lamp on it. The night stand also contained a bong, grinder, and a thing of papers. Right in front of the nightstand was a cooler that was closed.

"You're right, You're a slob," Jonah said with a grin and Eddie playfully slapped the boys arm.

"Don't be rude!" Eddie told him as he walked to the bed and sat down on it. "And get the fan," he said pointing to a switch. Jonah flipped it and a fan above them turned on. Eddie grabbed a hair tie and pulled his wavy hair back into a pony tail, something Jonah never thought to do himself.

"Honestly though, nice vibes in here," Jonah said as he sat on the bean bag chair near the record player that had been playing.

"Thanks," Eddie grinned. "Mind if I smoke?" he asked.

"It's your home not mine," Jonah shrugged. Eddie then packed a bowl and put it into the bong he had on his night stand. He lit the bowl and inhaled deeply. Once done he breathed out and up to the fan so the smoke dispersed faster. He did this two more times before the bowl was ash and the bong was clear of smoke. So he put it back on the nightstand and laid down with his head in the center of the bed and legs towards the wall it was up against.

"You can play any record you want by the way," Eddie said looking up to the boy from his spot. Jonah began to flip through the records in the crates for a moment before coming across one he liked.

"The Cure, my favorite band," he said as he took the current record off the player.

"Honestly got it as a gift from my uncle, never played it before," Eddie admitted.

Jonah put the record on and let the music fill the room. He laid down on the bed his legs off the edge and his head aligned with Eddies but body opposite. He stared up at the fan for a moment humming along to the music before he turned his head. He found himself staring at the boy, his profile as he laid still with his eyes closed. His hair was out of his face and he could see him up close. Soon the boy's eyes opened and he turned his head to face Jonah, their faces close.

"Are you just staring at me?" he asked bluntly. Jonah's face heated up quickly as he shook his head and sat up.

"N-No! I was just looking at you for a moment," he told him as Eddie sat up too.

"I don't mind really," Eddie said as he took the grinder and a paper and began to roll a joint. When he was done he lit the joint between his lips, Jonah watched for a moment before making a decision.

"Can I take a hit?"

"Of course," Eddie said, a bit surprised as he leaned over the bed to hand it to the boy sitting at the foot. Jonah put the joint to his lips and inhaled deeply. He handed the joint back as he started to cough vigorously. "Here," Eddie said, opening the cooler to reveal water bottles, beer, and some cokes. He grabbed a water bottle and handed it to Jonah who opened it quickly and took a drink. "Can sure tell you never smoked before," Eddie commented. Jonah gave him a glare with tears in his eyes as the song Boys Don't Cry filled the room.

"Thanks," Jonah said before drinking more. Eddie took his two puffs before he passed it back to Jonah.

"Of course, if you ever want a drink, help yourself," Eddie told him. "Except my strategic reserve, no one touches that," he told him.

"Yeah? You plan something ahead?"

"It happens on rare occasions. Here try two puffs then pass," Eddie said, handing the joint back after Jonah had taken his puffs and passed it back.

"Okay," Jonah said, taking two puffs before passing it back. The two continued until it was a roach and Eddie put it in a jar full of them that sat in the drawer of the nightstand. "Also strategic reserves?" Jonah teased.

"No, but kind of. If I run out before I can get more, I can always unwrap them and put them in my bong," he informed. Jonah gave a shrug as the record ended and he looked through them again.

"Iron Maiden," he announced as he put the record on and started it.

"Come lay," Eddie said as he laid the way he had before. Jonah laid the same way as before, head next to him and legs opposite ways. It didn't take long for the two boys to drift off to sleep. 

(A/N ignore the phone in the chapter cover pic couldnt find a better one) 

Summer Sunsets ♡ Eddie Munson MLM Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें