Chapter Eight - The Hooded Man

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The sound of a gunshot rang through the woods, and Jonah noticed some birds flying away startled. The two were decently far in the woods and wondered if anyone in town even heard that. Eddie stood to his feet quickly and looked over to Jonah. Slowly Jonah also stood but he feared going to investigate.

"Did you hear that too?" Jonah finally asked quietly and Eddie gave a nod.

"Come on," Eddie whispered before he led the way towards the sound. Jonah's heart raced and he questioned how the other boy was so calm and collected. He didn't even want to follow and go in the direction of the sound but had no choice but to follow.

Soon the two approached a large tree and some bushes that were near a clearing. They could see a tall man's back facing them with a hood on and a faded design of a confederate flag on the jacket. The two got close to the tree and peered around it. They could see the gun in the man's hand, and on the ground was a boy. He looked their age, and he wasn't moving. Eddie stayed quiet but Jonah began to breathe heavily, trying to stay calm. The man walked towards the body and kneeled down feeling the pulse.

Eddie leaned in closer to try and see the boy but soon heard the snap of a twig under his knee. The two quickly put their backs to the tree and didn't dare look back. They could hear the footsteps of the man get a bit closer. Eddie wrapped his arms around the scared boy and put his hand over his mouth. "Shh," he hushed quietly and held the boy tightly. Jonah could feel his heart beating in chest and worried the man could hear it. He tried to keep his breathing steady and having a hand on his mouth helped him not scream. Really he appreciated what Eddie was doing for him, even if Eddie was why they even inspected things.

After what felt like an eternity they heard the footsteps leading away and soon the revving of a motorcycle. They waited in that position for ten minutes after things went silent. Finally Eddie released his grip and moved to look around the tree. The body was still there, but no one else.

"What the hell just happened?" Jonah asked in a whisper. Eddie got to his feet and rushed over to the boy's body on the ground, he looked the same age as them.

"I think we just saw a murderer," Eddie said as Jonah approached. He had never seen a dead body and instantly wanted to throw up. Sure he wasn't told anything he couldn't figure out, but he didn't want to accept it had happened until Eddie said it. The fact they could have died, made him even more freaked out.

"We can't stay here," Jonah told him.

"But. This boy," Eddie stared at the boy's face. "He looks familiar. He was an outcast too, but we didn't really talk."

"Why was he outcasted?" Jonah asked.

"Everyone thought he was gay." Eddie stated and Jonah felt his heart sink.

"Again, we can't stay here. We at least have to go to the car," Jonah negotiated. He hated standing here, he hated seeing a dead body, and he hated the fear the man would come back.

"Right," Eddie agreed, standing up. "Fuck," he whispered and Jonah noticed the slight tears forming in his eyes. Jonah held out his hand to the boy.

"Come on," he said softly and Eddie took his hand. The two made their way through the woods as quickly as they could until they made it to the parked car and climbed in. Jonah locked the doors immediately out of fear.

"Fuck," Eddie cussed again hitting the dashboard slightly. "We could have done something! We were there, if we only knew," he put his hand to his head and looked down.

"We couldn't have known," Jonah reassured.

"We need to call the cops. Get help, and report that man."

"But we don't even know who he is or what he looked like," Jonah pointed out.

"So? We could still help, somehow."

"I don't think it would be a good idea. We were high, and have drugs on us. Plus they might not even believe us and think we did it."

"Why would they even think that?"

"We aren't seen as the most friendly and good kids, especially playing D&D," Jonah reminded. "And.. because I keep a gun in the car," Jonah admitted. "If we call right now, they will search the car."

"What?" Eddie seemed shocked. "Where? Why?"

"My grand dad also gave me that, in case of emergencies, to protect myself. I keep it hidden."

"Fuck," Eddie whispered. "Any other time I would have found that so cool." he thought for a moment before he had an idea. "What if we use a phone booth, anonymous tip that we heard a gunshot in the woods? We think someone was shot?"

"Yeah that could work," Jonah agreed. The two got situated in the car and soon Jonah was pulling out of the spot they may not visit again for a while. It didn't take long to find a phone booth and park near it.

Eddie went in alone and Jonah waited outside, unable to hear how it went on Eddie's end. When Eddie was done he came out and sighed.

"Done. They said they will send a search team out to check for bodies."


"We should probably go home. Rest," Eddie said.

"You're right but. I feel so scared now," he admitted.

"You could stay at my place?"

"If that's okay with you."

"Of course," Eddie smiled and the two got back into the car and made their way to the trailer. 

Summer Sunsets ♡ Eddie Munson MLM FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora