Chapter Eleven - Fawnflower

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Jonah opened the IM and it was from an account named FawnFlower.

'Mason is dead? Im sorry to hear, he was a nice boy. What happened?' she asked.

"Tell the truth," Eddie said and Jonah began to type.

'He met someone from here and was killed. Do you know anything?'

'Wow.. Well.. The person he talked to, the account was Hawk2 and had posted a few days before Mason showed up claiming to be a girl names Jasmine. She was from Hawkins. I messaged her but she wanted to meet up really fast.... I.. I wish I warned him.' Jonah felt himself tear up reading her statement before he sighed.

'Will you come forward about that?' he asked.

'Like for real? In person? No. Im sorry I cant. If you are truly trying to solve it I can agree to what I typed but I cant meet in person. I dont trust it.'

'After Mason, I wouldnt either. Thank you fawnflower.'

"Well... Will this help us?" Eddie asked.

"I dont know," Jonah said as he took a screen capture and printed it off with the messages.

"I mean, we already knew he was from Hawkins," Eddie pointed out.

"But if he posted before Mason he didnt visit for Mason, he knew of this place before hand. So he must live here for sure," Jonah thought out loud before writing in the journal with Mason last entry. "Anything else?" he asked writing down his thoughts.

"We heard a bike, not a car," Eddie added and Jonah wrote it down before putting the printed papers in the book and closing it.

"Alright, lets go, I think we should drive around and look for all of the motorbikes in hawkins," Jonah said as he left the room not giving Eddie time to reply. As they left Zach was near the door.

"Boys, if you find out who it was, please tell me. I want them, caught," he said and Jonah put a hand on the mans shoulder.

"You will know when we know," he told him with a smile. Then the two left the home to Jonahs car out front.

The two drive around Hawkins, spotting multiple bikes in multiple driveways. Each time Jonah would stop and mark the address in his notebook. The eighth and final one they found being when they returned to Jonahs home and saw a bike in his neighbors driveway.

"Looks like your neighbor is in the suspect list," Eddie commented as Jonah made another note.

"Doesn't surprise me. He was a dick when we first moved in, even called my mom a whore for wearing a sundress," Jonah told him. Once he was done writing he looked to the curly haired boy in his car. "Want to stay the night?" He finally asked.

"I would love to" Eddie replied with a smirk on his lips. Jonah gave the boy a punch in the arm as he rolled his eyes. "Can't wait to see your room," Eddie added with a sing song voice as he exited the car. Jonah followed the boy once the car was off. When they entered the small home Jonahs mom was in the kitchen singing to music that filled the house.

"Jo jo? That you?" She called out as she came to the door.

"Yeah mom," Jonah replied glaring at Eddie who chuckled a bit.

"Who is this?" She asked holding her hand out to Eddie.

"I'm Eddie miss demington ," he trailed shook her hand.

"Please. Call me karly," she smiled.

"Alright karly,"

"We have to get to my room mom," Jonah chimed in.

"Of course, if you want tacos though they will be done in twenty minutes." With that she left for the kitchen and the boys were off to Jonahs room.

"Jo jo?" Eddie asked once the door was shut behind them.

"Shut up," Jonah said as he threw his bag on the bed. By the bed was a desk and above the desk, a cork board with a lot of memorabilia. From pictures to tickets to drawings. Jonah organized the things he removed on his desk. Once the board was empty he moved it to a wall he could reach better.

As he focused on making a mystery wall of clues, Eddie took the time to browse the room. He looked through some clothed and items that Jonah had laying around. "Nice room," he spoke before sitting on the bed.

"Thanks," Jonah said as he began sticking papers to the board. "Come here, help me," he added and Eddie stood up. "We got the motorbikes, all 8 are a suspect. It was around 5,"

"He had a flag on his jacket," Eddie added and Jonah wrote it down and added it. He added the printed statements of fawnflower and the emails. Jonah stared over the board, trying to piece anything together. He spent hours rereading things, enough time that Eddie fell asleep in the bed.

With a yawn Jonah decided it was time to sleep in a chair he had and call it a night. 

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