Chapter 1

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I woke up,slowly sitting up, looking around in a slight panic to figure out where I was. Standing from the cold, tile kitchen floor and headed to my room to shower and clean up for school.

Washing up, I get out changing into plain clothes and hurrying to get everything in order not to be late. I slipped on some shoes and backpack,while grabbing my phone, quickly looking in the mirror on my way out of the door.

Staring wide-eyed at myself, I softly brushed my fingers across my face, slowly taking in my features that have been created over the night. Lip sliced,scratch across my face, and to top it all off, a huge black and blue eye.

With no time for anything I rushed out of the house and to the bus stop. Waiting a good ten minutes and still no sign of the bus I start to jog to school. With it being five blocks away it gives me a good amount of time to prepare for what today may create and put in the way. I think about making a friend or two, then shut it down because I am to shy. It's to late to make friends now, everyone has their groups and friends from school before and no one branches out. It's just how it is and I'll get over it. If it happens then I guess it happens. I see the school in the distance and blow a big puff out, moving the hair on my forehead. I head up the stairs slowly and one I get to the top I sigh.

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