Chapter 4

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I stood up breathing heavily and walked to class in a daze. I don't get why she continues to hurt me when you can clearly see that I'm hurt enough. I'm almost hurt so much that I could say I'm used to it, but it still hurts and stings every time something happens.  No one knows what I go through, but they can see what has been done when I have the marks left on my body. I always have them, there is not one day I have to not go through pain and have the marks fresh on my body reminding me what happened right before. If there happens to be a day coming that I am not hurt, I'd still have the scars not only on me but burned in my mind.
   Instead of thinking to much of it, I blinked and locked my attention on the teacher. Just because I'm hurt, doesn't mean I'm going to slack. I want good grades like I have so far, to get into a good college far away, to get away from here.

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