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The next day the girls received a mail at there doorstep. Flora went to pick it up while the girls were doing their morning chores.

"Aisha" Flora called out, "Its for you".

Aisha put her book down and came out of her room into common hall. She took the letter from Flora and opened it.

"My dad is announcing my coronation!" exclaimed Aisha.

"Wow That's great news." said Bloom.

"And all of you are invited." Aisha continued.

"Ooooo.... That means I have a new project on my hands." said Stella excitedly. " I'm going to start brainstorming ideas for the gowns we are going to be wearing!" as she rushed towards her room.

"When do we leave?" asked Flora.

"The event is in two days."said Aisha.

"Well isn't that sudden." wondered Bloom.

"It was in the talks but yea it is kind of quick." said Aisha wondering.

"Well, Anything that gets me out of Palladium's class, I'm accepting it." said Musa joyfully.

At Andros.....
"Mom!! Dad!!" exclaimed Aisha upon arriving at Andros. Andros is Aisha's home world. The seaside palace is home to monarch of Andros, King Teredor and Queen Niobe. Its walls are bright turquoise with shimmering sea shells hanging from the ceiling. The palace was buzzing with people for the preparations of the Coronation night.
"Welcome home Aisha." said Queen Niobe. "Show the girls their rooms and go get ready for the ball tonight."
The girls got ready for the night. Stella had designed their gowns to have magical bubbles attached to the rim of the sleeves. Aisha wore a dazzling seashell ornament on her hair, which was presented by Nabu's parents as a gift.
At the ball, King Teredor introduced Aisha to the kingdom and announced her coronation as the successor to the throne of Andros. The guests including the girls had a merry time dancing with the specialists, eating and slipping on their heels. Whilst all of this, suddenly the lights went really dim.
"What going on?" said Flora.

"I feel a strange presence." said Bloom.

The lights started flickering and a thick black smog started covering the room. A silhouette of a lady walked out of the smog.

"Well, well I see there is a quite a presence here. Everybody I need is here." she said as she walked over to Aisha.

It was the Demon Queen.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" said King Teredor in a firm voice pulling out his sword as stepped in front of his daughter.

"Well not to brag darling, but I am the Queen of the underworld." said The Demon Queen with a wide grin. Her red eyes shined brightly in the dark smog.

There was pin drop silence in the court as she strutted in her dark heels towards Aisha.

"I need your tears." she said as she caressed Aisha's face.

"Well you are not in luck." said Aisha pushing the hand away from her face.

"I create my own fate darling." said The Demon Queen turning around towards a slightly tan-skinned girl with very long hair worn in braided pigtails held with tiny blue ribbons at the tip and tube-like pieces at her head.

She lifted her hand and was choking the girl with magic.

"Anne!!!" yelled Aisha. "Leave her alone!" as she charged towards the Demon Queen.

But she was pushed back by just one sway of her hand.

"Like what you seeing princess." said The Demon Queen. "Let's see if you like this too."

She cast a dark spell on King Teredor and Queen Niobe which sent them into a trans like phase.

"Why are you doing this?" said Aisha, tearing up.

"Aisha don't break! That's what she wants." said Musa.

*****Magic Winx!!! Enchantix*****

"You messed up with the wrong princess, Lady." said Aisha.

"Aww so you wanna fight first." said The Queen in a sarcastic tone. "Well you should've told me earlier."

She shot a bolt of dark magic towards Aisha.

***** Neptune's Shield*****

Aisha dueled with The Demon Queen back and forth. The fight seemed to go no where. Aisha was getting tired but the Demon Queen didn't seem to be affected at all.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to Momma dearest?", said The Demon Queen as she aimed at Queen Niobe.

"Not so fast witch" yelled Nabu who was able to deflect the spell.

"Firstly I'm not a witch and secondly, you will definitely say goodbye to the freckled girl." said The Demon Queen angrily.

Her grip tightened around Anne's neck. She was struggling to breathe.

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