Chapter 1- The phone call

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It was summer break, I was in my room.
Texting my group-chat
which included my three bestest friends. Christine, Natalie, and Layla. We all grew up together since we were in Kindergarten. From playing with toys, To seeing movies on big screens with lots of popcorn, To the skating rink falling on our ass, and so much more. They're always giving me the hardest time about having the tiniest crush on a guy named Andrew at our school, who couldn't even notice I exist. Don't get me wrong I love my friends, they're my soul sisters but sometimes they're just too much.

"Jamieee I've got to go!! Please watch your sisters" my mother calls out. I've never minded helping out, doing chores, watching the babies. But I never expected It would feel like I would become a full-time parent to my siblings at the age of only 14. Even my father couldn't handle having us so he walked out. My mother never really showed any emotion of pain after he left. It's like she was happy. My Sisters, Riley (2), Kenly (5), and Noelle (8) are honestly the human version of monkeys! they're so wild. "Jamie, I'm hungryyyyy" Kenly complains. I scramble into the kitchen to see what I can make out of what little food we have. I end up making each of the girls one grilled cheese. I serve the food on the table and call them to come stuff their faces, And I head back to wash the dishes. I feel like I never have enough time to get things done sometimes.

I keep the girls occupied by watching Paw Patrol. While I vacuum, clean the toys up and try to plan dinner out for tonight. When I'm finished I see Riley fast asleep on the couch, So I tell the girls to shush with my finger over my mouth. I put her blankie over her. I end up playing dolls with Kenly and Noelle. They end up having so much fun they start jumping from couch to couch which I was not a fan of, Because they woke the baby up. The house phone rings While I have one baby screaming and crying, and 2 little girls who are acting like little monkeys. "Hello?" I answer. But all I hear is sharp muffled breathing into the phone. It was no caller ID. "Hello?" I try again, But I just hear it again. "Prank call someone else who has the time to listen to your bullshit" I roll my eyes. Even though I admit deep down that I was terrified. What made it even worse it was pitch black outside.

Finally the girls are all calmed down and ready to get some shut eye, I tuck each of them in and kiss their heads. I clean up the Mac and cheese I found to make them. While they're passed out I'm watching family guy, and reading my friends text. Of course the one thing they're texting about is Andrew. I wish they would get off my back. It was some silly crush and I would eventually get over it, Im too busy to be hanging out with some boy who's only going to try to get freaky. Well from the rumors i've heard.

I check on the girls. Then lock the doors. I go lay down myself. I have a hard time falling asleep thinking of the call I had witnessed earlier. It was so strange. Probably only because I'm making more out of it, and I've never got a prank call before. I calm myself, and pass the hell out.

Hello Readers. Wow.. I honestly think I would react the same way Jamie did if I witnessed a call like that. I wonder who that was and if it was really just a prank call or much more. Thank you reading, but hold tight. I'll see you in the next chapter.


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