Chapter 3: Who's behind you?

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Today was a much better needed day since the last couple of days being stressed, freaked out and not having any help around the house Which sucked. But Christine came over to check on me since our last call. My mother left, gave the babies a kiss on the cheek and told them she loved them dearly. I change Riley's diaper, and bathe her. Then I start on household chores, I clean up the bathroom. Then next off to the girls room, I wash the laundry. In the middle of that I heard three knocks on the door. I turn the knob to open it to see a smiling Christine. "Heyyyy! I came to your help sweet thing" She sings with glee. I grin. While I'm cleaning the house, Christine watches the girls and makes them lunch, She made them peanut butter sandwiches and she cut them up an apple. She also distracts them with Peppa pig. Christine teases me because she knows the amount of hate I have for that show. I just roll my eyes.

I get done cleaning, Christine and I sit on the couch next to the girls. "Guess who I'm texting!" She giggles. I scrunch my eyebrows to show her that I'm confused. "Andrewww" I feel my eyes almost pop out of my head. "Huh, about what?" "About you silly" She says. "He told me that he would like to hang out with YOU more" she points into my chest. "Just forget Christine, I'll never have the time for him, and it could never be what I want it to be" I state the facts. She says "Whatever you say" Knowing that she's not going to drop the Andrew subject, until something fairytale like happens between us.

"I'm starving" Christine complains. I look down at my feet. "You have no food in this house" I narrow my eyebrows. "We just went shopping yesterday." She shakes her head. Come on, let's go shopping again then. I tag along. I change the girls. Strap Riley into her stroller, put my hair up and start walking to the market. When we get into the store Christine start putting junk food in the cart such as, Oreos, Little debbie cakes, Hot cheetos, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and honey buns. "I don't have the money for all of that" I tell her. She laughs "Honey, you don't need to worry about that, I've got this. Get what you need" She reassures me. Both of the girls are holding Christine's hands while I push the stroller which made me feel much more comfortable. I ended up going a little overboard and getting the girls a bunch of snacks, a few meals to make, and drinks. Christine each got them a doll, they were so pleased.

Christine and I talk about the whole walk home. She's facing towards me, walking backwards. We talk about my mother and the new guy she's messing around with, and of course she brings up Andrew. Which I wish she would just erase him from her memory. As we're talking I get a weird sense someone's behind me again. But I don't check to see, because I'm talking an ongoing conversation with Christine. Until her eyes get wide, and her voice starts to shake "Who's following you? do you know them?" she says quietly as best as she can. My body heats all the way, and I can't even think straight. I feel vomit stuck in my throat. I turn around. I see a man it looks like, with a black zip up and grey sweatpants. He looks very muscular, but the look he gives me is very unfriendly. His jaw is stiffened, and his eyebrows make it clear he's angry. "Hello" I try saying without being sick. My face is flushed red. Not a word comes out of him other than hard angry breathing. Christine and I trick him by finding a random house, and act like it's ours. He falls for it. After there's no trace of him, we walk back to the complex. When we get inside. She spits out "Okay, what the fuck was that??" "See what I mean, stuff like this has been happening to me for the past three days, Im freaked" I say. After that there's no words about other than her telling me she'll have to go home soon, she said she would stay If her mother would let her. I understood. We put the groceries away. Christine gives me a tight hug and tells me to be careful I tell her to do the exact same.

I pull out some chicken tenders and make macaroni to go with them. It takes about an hour to finish everything, I get it awhile to cool off and cut the chicken up for the girls. They eat, and start getting whiny. Ever since what happened today, I let them all sleep together in Kenlys room. I wipe down counters, clean the dishes, and sweep. I lock the door and and windows and make sure they're covered. I turn on Ted 2 and end up falling asleep to it.

My eyes are struggling to open, and I feel as if I can't breathe. Until my eyes open all the way I see the same man I saw today at the store. But it's pitch black and very cold, he's holding me. My heart stops.

Hello readers. Wow.. now that's crazy. I wonder what he wants to do with her, and who's going to make sure the girls are alright? I guess.. You'll have to find out in the next chapter! Thank you for reading.

Words - 945

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