Chapter 2: I saw you

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I wake up from deep sleep by the sound of my mother slamming the door shut behind her. I look over at my clock and see the time reading 3:25 AM. But for her that was a usual time for her to get home. My mothers work hours at the hospital is 12:00- 9:30 pm. I used the think she would stay out as late as she does because she just didn't have the energy to be around the children. But eventually she told me the real reason. She comes inside and lays in the bed with me twirling her hair with her fingers. "Jamie, I have met a man. You would love him. He's determined, intelligent, and just wait til you see the body he's carrying on him." I giggle. "I'm going to be very excited so meet this so called new sexy man." I tell her. That all makes sense now, why she's home so late. Most likely because she's sleeping around with him.

My mother and I return to each of our bedrooms, I hear her softly talking to someone on the phone while her distant laughs echo the house. I crawl back into sleep. Only to feel like i'm living the same exact day. My mother wakes me up to watch the girls all day. Never gets home until late late. But I don't hear nothing from her when she's out. Layla and Christine think she's trying to keep herself busy all the time, since my father left her. She found him sleeping around with his Coworker. But she has never acted like it has ever once before bothered her. But they told me that staying out of the house and keeping herself busy has to be keeping her sane. That made somewhat sense to me, I just didn't want to believe it.

I walk into the kitchen, thinking of making the girls breakfast but as of course, no food at all. I grab the jar out of my mothers storage space and look how much is into the savings we've collected. There's only 60 and some change. So i'm going to have to be reasonable. I get the girls dressed and strap the baby into her stroller. We don't live to far from the local grocery store, Our apartment complex is in the middle of town. We walk around, the girls are begging for treats. So I end up getting some more eggs, A loaf of bread, and fruit. For their treat I bought them each an Ice cream. Which I instantly regretted. Because sure enough they're going to be bouncing from wall to wall. And sure enough they were.

We walked back home. The girls were eating the ice creams, They were all pleased and quiet. But as we were walking I was sure enough someone was following us. I felt the presence of someone behind me, but when I would look back not a single trace of anyone was there. It gave me butterflies in my stomach, but the sick kind. We go into the apartment complex. The girls are jumping around, Im ready for them to take their naps I snicker to myself. I unlock the door, and the girls run inside. I get the baby out of the stroller while I put it away. I turn on a movie to distract them. Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. While I wash dishes and laundry, Wipe down counters, and Vacuum and mop. After I'm finished I'm getting ready to check on the girls, and call Christine to see what her plans are.

The phone rings. It makes my gut drop, because i'm thinking of the possible worse scenario that it could be. I look and see No caller ID, So I Ignore it. Only to hear the same ringing again. "Hello. I don't know who you're and why you're doing this. But it's not funny at all, Im way to busy to deal with nonsense, So please take your finger and go fuck yourself" I stated. I was heated in the moment. Only to get the call once more. But before I could talk. I hear a muffled deep voice "I saw you today" and then the phone went off. I was freaking out, because I remember feeling someone's presence behind me. Quickly I lock all the doors. And shut the blinds to the windows. I had the option to call my mother but she would just tell me i'm speaking nonsense. So there was no use.

By the time dinner came around, I was still making sure everything was locked and every window was not available to see. I made the girls stay near me the whole time, While I cooked them french toast. I cut it up for them and sided it with some green grapes. I call Christine while they're eating. I tell her everything I've noticed and the phone call. She freaks out too. She told me to stay safe, and she's one call away if anything else happens. I tell her okay. I get the kids in bed and tuck them in, But as for I, I don't go back to sleep, I stay up late hours to make sure my mom gets home first. A couple more hours watching cartoon network. She unlocks the door and without a word to me she goes straight to bed. She looked rough. I lock the door back and check everything once more, and I go back to the couch to fall asleep watching Robot Chicken.

Hello readers. I wonder who she felt was lurking behind her and why? If you were in the same position as her, what would your moves play out to be? I'll see you in the next chapter!

Words - 966

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