Chapter 4: Pitch Black

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I wake up in a pitch black room, It feels like i'm staring back inside my eyelids. I'm on the floor, It's cold and hard. I try my hardest to move but chains are wrapped around my hands squeezing them until they're numb. I'm so worried about my little sisters. I start to cry, tears come down like a waterfall and don't stop. I'm terrified once I hear footsteps coming down, I assume this must be a basement. The light flickers on and my eyes start burning and my head is throbbing from the brightness. I hear footsteps get closer and closer to me until i feel the breath of someone behind me. I turn around. He's a tall man, but I still can't make out his face because he keeps it hidden. He doesn't say one single word to me. Even though i'm bursting in tears begging him to let me go. He releases my hands and then chains my legs. My hands feel raw. He puts a plate in front of me. It's a piece of wheat bread and a bottle of water I don't touch it. He stares hard at me, then turns around and walks away. I hear the door shut behind him.

I never touched the food or the water, even though my body was begging me for food and water. I didn't trust it. I couldn't get off my mind about who's going to take care of my sisters? do they know i'm missing? are they looking for me? All the questions I had to ask. But they were glued to my mind. I don't want to be trapped in someone else's home I have to get out of here. But I couldn't brainstorm any ideas. Because the only thing my mind was flooded with was my home, my family, and friends. But most importantly my life. I had no idea who this is, what they want with me, or anything. So I have to be careful with my decisions I think to myself . I never once screamed or tried to break out of the chains I've seen to many horror movies to think that for a split second would even work.

He never came back down that day. All day I stared at the wall. Feeling so alone from the emptiness and dull the room had surrounded me. I thought, and thought, and thought. All day. It took me hours on end, but I came up with one idea that could be worth it in the end. It sounded silly. To become friends with him, let him trust me. I thought to myself the more trust the more freedom to come maybe. But I would have to pretend to trust him back and that isn't going to be as easy as it might seem. Tomorrow I will make conversation I thought. Tomorrow will be a new start.

I cried myself to sleep that night. I couldn't stand to think about being away from home. Not knowing if my family and friends are safe. Just being taken. It really fucked with my head. And the only who could have any idea where i'm at or what has happened to me was Christine and that would be a miracle. Which i'm definitely going to need before it's too late.

Hello readers. Thank you for staying caught up, even though this chapter was short stay tuned for the next. I hope Jamie's idea goes well and this mystery man doesn't find out what she's up to, or this could end bad.

Words - 597

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