Chapter 10: Needles

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Christine's Pov
Jamie's been missing for almost a week now. The cops have not found a single trace or anything that could help them lead to clues. They tried to trace the unknown number that had called her from before. But again. Nothing. This feels impossible and it's getting irritating. But I haven't and won't give up on my hope of finding her. Her sisters have been asking my mother and I "Where's Jamie" But we've still told her that she's still at camp. It's been hard lying to them. But they're too little to have their hearts broken. I decide to go to Jamie's apartment.

I don't knock,I just open the door because no one's been there that I know of since the investigation started. But when I open the door I saw something that shocked me but also I didn't shock me. "Ms White?? What're you doing" I exclaim. She looks pissed but also a mixture of guilt. I saw her prick her skin with a needle filled with heroine. I saw it all over her arms. It made since now why she couldn't care less about being a mother. "Please don't tell Jamie" She tries to balance herself as she walks. "What're you talking about. Jamie's missing." I say. She starts to laugh. Louder and louder. "Hahaha sorry chris, I almost forgot. Crazy huh? I lose my husband, now my daughter." She keeps laughing. She sounds like a lunatic. "Well bye" She can't talk straight. She leaves and slams the door shut. No one but me inside the house. So quiet I could hear my own footsteps. As I'm looking for clues, I get a phone call. From a unknown number. My knees go week. "Hello" I whisper. "Hello? Is this Cristina. I got the number from the phone book. This is Jamie's father." A deep voice talks into the speaker. "Oh hello. Can I help you?" I say In a annoyed tone. Mad that he left them. "I texted you before on facebook but I guess you never saw it. Can we grab lunch, There's some things I need to tell you" I agree to it, wondering what there is left to be said.

I see Andrew right before I'm about to leave. He's in the hallway of the apartment. "Hey Cristina" He gives me a big smile. "Hey, how're you holding up?" I ask him. He tilts his head down. "I thought we could've become closer, I really miss her Cristina. I can't believe she's just gone." He wipes a tear from the left eye. "What're you doing here" I ask him. "Just looking for clues just as anyone one else.". He tells me. "Her dad wants to meet with me" His face jumps up and his eyes almost pop through his face "What. What does he want." He sounds pissed. "I'm not sure but stress it" I try to calm him. But he just storms. I'm not sure why he was upset. But I know Andrew like the back of my hand. We were born one day apart from each other and ever since then we've stuck by each other's side. That's why I know he would be a good fit for my Jamie. Even if though he's older.

I pull into the driveway at this place called "Roy's pizza shack" I walk in and check in. I already see him sitting at a table across the room. I sit down, we order and make small talk. But then his face gets serious. "I've got to tell you something" "What" I ask. "Everyone thinks I left the family, because Im a dick. But that's not it at all. Her mother was screwing around on me, and always out doing meth, cocaine, heroine, you name it. I tried to take the girls with me, but she said if I tried she said she would make sure those girls hated me so much, they would never wanna stay with me. So sadly I left it how it was. But now I regret it because now my daughter is missing" He starts to sob. "Wow that's alot to take in" I take a deep breathe. "Sometimes you have to sacrifice things for people, even if they had threatened you. Your daughters are more important than your ex wife's drama." I told him and he agreed with him. Not much more happened after that besides us stuffing our faces with deep dish pizza. I'm not sure how I ate. But I was for sure starving.

I couldn't wait to tell Jamie everything that's going on right now. I wish I knew where she was. I miss my bestfriend so much. My eyes have drained so much water since she left. And my heart feels empty.

Hi readers. So much more information. But I don't like that he didn't decide to say anything until she went missing. He should've been concerned before right? Feel free to leave you opinions in the comments :) Thank for reading, see you in the next chapter. ❤️

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