Chapter 5: Brainstorming

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       Yesterday was a very bad day. I can still feel the throbbing pain from my hands and fingers. My legs are swollen and my feet are ice cold.

My ears ring as I hear the door slam. Loud footsteps follow. "Hello" I say. He sets down bread and water again. Then he starts to turn around but before he can. "Hello. I don't understand why you're doing this. But I will listen and be respectful to you, Just please keep in mind that I have baby sisters that have no care besides me." I say. He turns around and eyeballs me. "You're smarting to smell, Im going to give you a bath today." I hear his deep voice. It's strong and cold. I stay quiet. I watch him as he walks back up the stairs and shuts the door behind him. I haven't fully understood while he hides his face, My only conclusion is that he wants to keep his self hidden so know one suspects him, and I have no proof as to what he looks like. Besides his body, of course.

I have to trust him as hard as it may seem to get out of this mess. I feel as if my stomach was eating and rotting itself away. I take a small bite of the bread. And another bite. Until there was not a single crumb left. My stomach was uneasy from not eating, I took just a sip of the water because I still didn't trust it. Moments later he's coming back down here, He doesn't say a word the only noise in the room is his hard breathing. It sounds like he just ran a mile race. "It's time for your bath" He says sternly. I felt like my stomach just dropped down to my feet. I was uncomfortable. I agreed and follow his rules to try and make this the least dangerous that this could be. He undid my legs. They hurt so bad. He then grabs me by my arm and drags me upstairs. I see a nice house. A beautiful homey living room with a great big tv. Once we reach his bathroom there is a huge shower and bath set. I wonder what made him choose me to take. And why he did it he seems like he has a decent life. He turns on the faucet plugs in the drain. I watch as the water fills up the tub. He walks over to me and orders me to get undressed. "Can you please turn around. I'm not comfortable with getting undressed in front of you." He ignores. He snaps at me to get out of my clothes. I strip down into nothing as tears stream down my face. He doesn't take his eyes off of me.

"Step into the bath now, I'll wash you" He spits. I feel my legs shaking and my heart aches. As soon as I step into the burning hot water I wince I feel the water sting into my raw bruised up legs. He just stares at me. I sit down. I can't help but cry, my whole body is wore out and weak. I whimper. He begins to fill a cup up with water and fill my hair with shampoo. It's so greasy and dried out it feels nice to feel it soften again. He rinses my hair, then scrubs my scalp with conditioner. He lets it sit for awhile, grabs and sponge and soaks it in hot water and pours soap into it. He washes my back, my breast. But when he get to my arms in legs my breathing gets heavy. The sting is so sharp, and it's burning my skin. I cry out "It hurts so bad" I feel him staring at me. "I'll see what I can do" He puts his head down. He continues washing me and rinsing my hair. He drains the tub and demands for me to stand. So I do. I stand there completely exposed I hated it. What a pervert I thought to myself. He wraps a warm towel around my body. While I'm standing there soaked and dripping water onto the tile. He brushes my hair gently. So gentle I couldn't even feel the knots he pulled out.

"Some clothes are on the sink. Until I wash yours. Don't you dare think about doing anything stupid, I'll be standing right outside the door. He turns away and walks out. I examine my body before I get dressed and I look all the marks on my legs and arms. He gave me black sweatpants, and a long white t-shirt. "I'm done" I say. I freak out. He picks me up and puts me onto the sink. He looks at my arms and rubs cream and then bandages them. He does the same with my legs. "I won't chain you anymore. But Just know that the windows are sealed shut, The basement is soundproof and the door is always locked" I just nod. I'm glad I didn't have to be chained up anymore. But still what the FUCK is wrong with this dude. He leads the direction back down the basement, He heads back up and then throws a blanket and a pillow onto the floor. He goes back up and I hear him lock the door. It's so cold down here and lonely.

The basement makes me think. It's so quiet and dark. But the only things I think about are also dark. I think about my father leaving his family behind like we didn't mean a dime to him. I think about my mother acting like a slut then not caring about the babies that she made her need her most. I think about the monster who trapped me into his basement for good. I'm glad I brainstormed that idea, he seems to be trying to give me a chance but it's going to take time. I have to make him open up to me, small details, why he's doing what he's doing. Who is this man?

Hello readers. I like Jamie's idea, but will it pull through? And what would a normal looking guy want to do with teenage girl? Who barely knows, right? Stay tuned in. I think it's time to see what Cristina is up to.

Words - 1062

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