Chapter 7: Have a drink

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It's been a couple of days stuck here in the cold lonely. When another day passes I get this sick sick feeling in my gut that I'm not going to make it out alive or no one is ever going to find me. I've done my best to be respectful to him and do as he wishes, and he's seem to liked that. Even though deep down I want to break his jaw in.

He approaches me. "I brought you a surprise" He sounds pleased with himself. He plops down a mattress, and a board game called "Spirit Island"I thank him and tell him I appreciate it. "Since you've been so cooperative these past few days, I thought I would make you a special meal" He rushes up the stairs and seconds later he makes his way back down. I see a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and jelly toast. My stomach rumbles. He also puts down a glass of orange juice, and a water bottle. Tears fall down my eyes. "Whats wrong? I thought you would like this" He says defensively. "I do like it, I just am so hungry" I snort. He nods. He starts to turn back upstairs. "Wait!!" I call out. He turns back around. "Let's get to each other or something please. I hate sitting all alone. It's lonely down here." He scoffed " You have the board game to keep you busy, Maybe another time." I started sobbing as he walked back upstairs. I guess it's still going to be awhile before I get his trust 100 percent of the way. I feel like a prisoner down here.

People see me as a strong person. Nothing can break me down, and no one could lay a finger on me. That is true. But my strength comes from love, from family and friends who support me and help me grow. I feel no such thing as strength trapped down here in a basement. I feel weakened and heartaches. I open the box and sort the pieces to the game, it was difficult for me at first but after a couple of try's it's got simple. After I'm done playing I organized and closed the box. I make my mattress up with my pillow and blanket. I lay on the comforter when i'm done, and think. Think about life, what would I be doing right now? If this person never had taken me away. Hours and hours of thinking. He finally came back down.

He brought me a slice of cheese pizza and a beer. "Thank you. But i don't drink beer" He laughed. "Aww you don't? I didn't fucking ask. You do as I say." He raises he voice. I proceed. I chomp down my slice, take a deep breath and chug the drink down my throat. My stomach curls in knots. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" He laughs. "Now another" He makes me drink and drink until I can't picture out anything and my stomach is cramping so bad. I don't remember what happened that night. All I remember is him asking me to drink. He never touched me that I know of.

I just wish someone could come protect me. I miss my mother, she's supposed to be finding me and stopping this man. I want to feel her touch and be able to her soft voice as her hands run through my tangles telling me It's going to be okay. That's all I want. I want my bestfriend to kick this guys ass, and get me out of here. I want her to make me laugh until I can barely breathe. I want my sisters to give me the biggest hug on the planet as I watch their smiles grow. But wanting is only a dream. Someone save me.

Hi Readers! All I can say is what a creep! What was his obsession with her drinking and why did he want her drunk. I hope she's okay. Keep stringing along, and thank you for reading! see you in the next chapter❤️

Word- 682

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