Chapter 8: Not so lonely

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My body felt so much more relived since I had warmth and something softer to sleep on. Since i've been sleeping on the cold hard floor. My arms and legs don't hurt as bad as they used to but they still sting sometimes. I searched around the basement as I have before to try to find something, anything that could possibly help me get out of this mess. But once again no sign.

I hear him walking down the stairs. He's standing so close to me. "I went to the store this morning. I brought you a coffee and a bagel at the local gas station too." He speaks. I thank him. "I'm sorry I was so cold to you yesterday about hanging out" "It's fine" I mumble. "Ask me any questions that you have, and i'll decide if I want to answer them or not" I use this to my advantage. I start out with simple things. "What're your hobbies?" I ask. "I'm really big into hockey, and I love to read" He tells me. "What's your favorite book" "Peace, love and war" He replies. That's different I thought to myself, I never hear anyone talk about that book. My father was a big fan of that book" I say. "Was" He asks confused. "I don't know where he is now, he left when awhile ago" "I'm sorry" He sounds sympathetic. "Do you plan on hurting me?" My voice shakes. "This can go two different ways Jamie but it's your choice with what route you take. You can listen and obey me as I say and you will have privileges or you can be difficult and can be punished." My stomach tightens. Punished. What did he mean by that?

"Why did you take me? out of everyone in the world. Why me?" I ask confidently. "Because, you're different than the rest" He says without any context. "How do you know my name?" "That's none of your goddamn business" He says sternly. "Okay I'm sorry." I tell him. I take a sip the dark roast he got me and take a bite of the everything bagel. He sits down next me. I feel uncomfortable. "Now it's my turn" He says. "Why have I never seen your mother before?" I gulp. How does he know about my mother? "Well she works all the time and never comes home until late at night" I explain. "Do you have any suspicion of who I am? He asks me. "No" I mumble. "Good" He spits. "Why were you such a little bitch, when I called you. You completely went off on me, so disrespectful." My eyes widen. "Um well.. I was terrified. I was always home alone" I stutter. "You're a smart girl Jamie. That's what I like about you" "Thank you "I look down to the floor. He traces his finger in circles around my thigh. I stiffen up. "Relax" He tells me in a soft tone. His voice is so deep he sounds like a 30 year old man. "Your Christine isn't very smart" He snorts. My heart stops. "How do you know her" My voice echos with fear. "Stop asking questions you don't want to know Jamie" He scoffs. He stands up and walks away without even one word left to say to me.

That sits in my mind all night. What did he mean she isn't so smart? What has she done? My gut tells me I have a feeling Ill never get out of here. I chug the rest of my coffee and finish of my bagel even though my appetite went away. And all that does is make me feel like it's all about to come back out of my throat. My face heats up, and my breath gets out of shape. I feel like I can't breathe. He knows things that I would never think he would've known. I wonder if he knows more about my family, then he's saying he does. How long has been watching me?

I didn't feel so lonely today. I hate sitting down here in the dark, all day long everyday. But this isn't the kind of company I wanted, But I guess it'll have to do. Since I have no other choice. I wonder how he got my home phone number in the first place, He must've spied of me for months before he made his final move. I just which things would pick up the pace a little faster, then they're going right now.

Hey readers. I hope he doesn't know that Christine is trying to save Jamie. Because that could really fuck things up!! He still hasn't told her too much about himself, Will he ever open up. Or is her plan going to fail? Hopefully not. Stay tuned in the next chapter. Thank you for reading. ❤️


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