Chapter 13: Guilt.

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I didn't sleep well that night. I tossed and turned all night. Squealing in pain. My nose felt sore and bruised. My eye hurt so terribly it was miserable.
My legs and arms were in the worst condition.
I stayed in bed that day. I didn't have the energy to move at all. I slept for a good while.

When I woke up, I decided to keep on reading the book that he had brought to me. The first couple seemed to have a amazing relationship. Something I would long for. I haven't read much but it's breathtaking.

I ended up at a decent page before I stopped reading. After that I went to play the board game and set it up. In the middle of a round I hear a thud. Only to see him. I felt anger and fear now. I couldn't believe he would hurt so much, what would he expect me to do. He fucking trapped me and took me.

"Hey" He says loudly. I ignore him. "I'm talking to you." He says in a stern way. I look to let him see what he all did to me. But he acts like the bruises and cuts don't even exist. "I'm sorry for yesterday Jamie, but if you didn't go snooping around and would've listened to me. Maybe you wouldn't have been punished." He spits. "I'm sorry" I can barely even make the words out as from how scared I am right now.

"I'll be back shortly. I'm going to run to the store. Do you need anything while i'm out" He asks me.
"If you don't mind, a notebook and some pens" I tell him. "For what?" He asks confused. "Maybe to take notes on the book. Or to draw" I answer. He seems like he likes that idea. He agrees. He goes back upstairs without having another word left to say.

I wait for him. But the thing is I wait for hours and hours on count. He never comes back down. I don't know how long it's been since I have no way to tell the time. But it's definitely been awhile.

My stomach turns upside down. I have a bad feeling that he's not coming back tonight. Which scares me a little because of being alone. But also gives me relief that he's not going to be around.

There's not anymore clues I've found. No pictures of him, nothing. It was absolutely creepy.

I gave up on waiting. My eyes were burning from not having sleep, so I crawled and hid under the covers and fell asleep faster that I could imagine.

Hello readers. I know this is a shorter chapter but thank you for reading. I wonder why he never came back that night? What's he doing or planning out... Find out in the next chapter.

Words - 477

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