Chapter 6: Where's Jamie

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Christine's Pov
It's been days on end since I've seen my best friend. The only thing I know is the last encounter we had, there was a weird man. Her mother hasn't showed any worry, But our whole group is so worried we can't think straight. Ever since I found out I've been watching her sisters, they were scared at first but I told them that Jamie went to summer camp. I didn't have the heart to tell the truth. The one thing that I know about my bestie is that she is counting on ME. To find this bastard and set her free. I've felt uneasy staying in that house ever sense that happened. So Ms White is letting the girls stay with me at my moms place. Which is much safer. We have everything locked and a alarm system. I know one thing she is a strong-willed girl. Whatever sick fuck that did this. She is going to make him PAY.

There is a police search my mother and I started. But there has been no traces of evidence, where they're keeping her. I know someone took her because I witnessed something disturbing that day. Also my gut is telling me so. I've been keeping the girls very busy. Such as taking them to movies, to eat out, and the park. To make sure they don't have time to be worried that's how she would've wanted it. The same exact day Jamie went missing. Her father messaged me, asking me if I knew if she was okay. He also informed that he wanted to rekindle their bond, and he misses their mother. Jamie's mother is difficult to understand sometimes so i'm not sure how she would react to this. But with all this going on I haven't said a word to anyone nor have I replied to his text. I also even told Andrew the day before that she had the biggest fattest crush on him and he said he felt the same. I'm going to get that girl out of there, so they can complete their love story. I haven't been able to take so much as a breath since she went missing, I have no idea what I would do without Jamie. She's my #1 supporter through everything.

My mother has been very cautious ever since, She's checked everything more than once before we go to sleep every night. She's with me anywhere we go and she's working from home now. I think this really picked at her brain. Natalie has been hysterical ever since. On top of that too her mother just passed away from chemo. Layla has been distant. The one who keeps this group sane and in shape is Jamie. She's always been the best at solutions and comfort. She's very smart. I will find her no matter what. I would walk miles and miles and miles no matter what I have to do. So watch out bastard. I'm fixing to find out who the FUCK you're. Messing with MY girl.

Hello readers. I know this chapter was super short, but I thought it would be cool to hear what's going on with Christine and the others. Keep your eyes on page for the next chapter. Thank you ❤️

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