Going With Him

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Chapter 2

I opened the door and saw Dylan with a nervous expression.

"Ready to go?" He was in a hurry... Why? 

"Yea." I was still curious why he invited me to his house. He didn't seem too happy about it. I suggested to fly there, but he rather walk there. After about 20 minutes of a silence stroll we were there.

"We're here." It wasn't even a house, it was more of a cave. We walked inside and inside was a box filled with food. I was thinking how can he live on this, but I didn't ask.

"I know it's not much, I'm planning on leaving" He said while scratching the back of his head. He sat on the floor, so I did the same.

"Where are you going to go?" I didn't want him to leave. I met him only a couple of days ago and he's already leaving.

"I want you to come with me." I was shocked. I didn't even know where he's going to go. After a couple of minutes of silence I found his lips against mine. I pushed away to get some air.

"I can't just go with you Dylan, I don't even know where your going." Dylan stared at me for a while with a pained expression. I noticed something was wrong, but I didn't ask.

"Just promise me you'll come with me" I didn't know what to do, an angel can't break a promise. I stayed silence since I didn't know what to do. He put his hands over mine. After some thinking, I already felt as if I made the wrong choice.

"I promise." Dylan smiled in relief, but it didn't look like he was completely relieved yet. Dylan sighed and took a deep breath.

"I'm not an angel." I stared at him with wide eyes. 

"Y-you're a human!?" It was hard to get the words out of my mouth. 

"Not exactly" My mouth went open. If he wasn't an angel or human there can only be one thing he could be.... I backed away and tried to run. He grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"Look I wasn't expecting to meet you, I swear. I was just here to get some information, but when I saw you I........" I still couldn't believe he lied to me.

"G-get away from me!" With that I pulled away from him and ran out the cave. Once I was outside I started flying. It wasn't technically breaking the promise, as long as he doesn't tell me where and when we're going I should be fine, but I was pretty sure he wanted to take me to hell with him. I heard him yelling my name from behind, but I kept flying.

Dylan's P.O.V

I tried to run after her, but I knew I couldn't fly. If I did, my black wings would be exposed. I ran to her house, since I knew she would be there.

"Noel!" I yelled but I only heard silence.

"I know your in there!" I still heard nothing. I gave the door some ruff pushes. It finally opened. I didn't see her in the living room so I went upstairs. I opened the door to her bedroom and found her lying on her bed. I sat down at the other side of the bed.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't-"

"You could have told me your a fucking devil! BEFORE I made the damn promise, now I have to go to Hell with you!" She seemed worried and mad, but it was true. I was planning on taking her to hell with me. I looked at her hands. Something caught my eye. It was the Ring of Heaven. It was designed with wing patters and a light bolt. I knew you couldn't get the ring off no matter what, so it would be harder to get her into hell. I knew I had to somehow convince her to come with me. I mean she would have to come because of the promise, but I want her to come on her own free will.

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