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Chapter 8

Noel P.O.V

I woke up feeling fully rested. Dylan was still asleep so I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on a flannel shirt over a white tank top, along with some skinny jeans. I didn't want to wake up Dylan, so I took some money, and headed out. I walked around and found a waffle house. It took me a while to decide on what kind of pancakes I wanted. I finally decided to take the pancakes with strawberries, blueberries, and whip cream. After I ate I decided to take some to Dylan, but I didn't go to the hotel just yet. I wanted to explore. I don't have anywhere specific to go, so I just walked around.

After what seemed hours, I started to head back to Dylan. It took me some time to get back since I got lost a few times, but after a while I found my way. When I got back Dylan was still asleep. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30. It won't hurt if I wake him up right? Besides its late in the morning. I thought of ways to wake him up. I finally decided with the best solution. I took a bucket and filled it with icy cold water. I filled it enough so it would be easy to hold. Okay in 3...2....1! I splashed the water right in his face.

"AHHH!" Dylan shouted as I laughed.

"Your going to pay for that!" I tried to run, but Dylan caught me by the wrists. Suddenly I found my lips against his. 

We pulled away, and he just smiled. I suddenly felt my face getting hot. I didn't know what to do or say. I don't know why, but I felt strange. I couldn't explain the feeling. I felt embarrassed. As a distraction from the silence I handed him the pancakes I bought from before.

"Here I got these for you." I said while I handed him the pancakes.

"Oh....Thanks?" Dylan said as he approached the bag.

"It just pancakes." He took one out and popped it in his mouth.

"Get packing up." Dylan said while eating the pancake.

"Were leaving?"

"Yea, the faster we go the faster we get there."

"Okay, I'll start packing I guess." I picked up my bag and started packing. There wasn't much, there was only clothes on the ground, toothbrush, hair brush, shampoo, soap, and deodorant. In a couple of minutes I finished. Dylan was still eating.

"How long does it take you to eat?!" I laughed as I asked. He just looked at me with a funny frown.

"I finished packing." I noticed then that Dylan didn't really bring anything along. He only had a small bag, and the only thing he brought was clothes, and a toothbrush, and it was already packed up.

He ate the last pancake and threw it in the garbage. He picked up his bag.

"So were leaving?" He asked while putting his shoes on.

"Guess so." After we left the hotel we had silence. I didn't really know where to go so I followed Dylan. Something didn't feel right though. Something felt strange. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it had to be something. It seemed like Dylan felt it to. He had cold eyes looking around. 

"What do you think it is?" I asked as I broke the silence. He starred at me for a while.

"I'm not sure." He finally answered.

"Do you think its them?" I knew he knew what I meant, the men. 

"Hopefully not." Dylan answered coldly.

"Dylan..... I don't think they would give up on their job."  Dylan didn't respond.

"Lets hope they did." Dylan finally answered. We continued to walk in silence. I saw so many new things, but something still didn't feel right.

"What do you think it is?" I asked breaking the silence again.

"Probably them..." I knew what Dylan meant. I hoped it wasn't them. They scared me. Why did they want to kill us? Who would want us killed? I didn't do anything wrong! Unless......



"Did you get in any trouble with any people?" Dylan staid silent.

"Dylan!" I shouted at him.

"Okay okay! I got in some trouble with someone."

"What did you do?!"

"Now that I can not answer." I starred at him with a frown.

"Tell me!" My suspicion got to me. Was it that bad? I was mad he didn't tell me. He laughed and shook his head no. I frowned, but if he wouldn't tell me its probably something not to tell. After a long while of silence, I broke it once again...

"How far is it?" He thought for a minute then answered....

"I think its like half an hour or so..."  

"Its not that long I guess."

"Yea." And once again we went into silence. I decided not to break the silence again. The time passed by quickly with the silence.

"Were here." I looked, but this time I really didn't see anything. We were in the middle of the forest, and I had no clue if he saw it. I looked at him confused.

"I don't see anything."

"That's because we have to wait till night for the portal to open. We can only get to Hell when its night, just like you can only enter Heaven when its morning."



"Wow never knew." I wonder how he knows all this, but I bet he went back and forth a lot.

"Most people never notice, so I don't blame you."

"What do you mean?"  

"When people usually get to Heaven its mostly morning. Nobody knows why." Wow. He knows way more then I thought. I didn't think he was dumb, but he knew a lot.

"So we have to wait till night?"

"Well till the moon comes up, and the sun goes down. That's when the portal will appear, then we'll finally be in Hell. And we don't have to wait long, it seems about like an hour or so."

"At least its not any longer." I replied.

"Yea." Dylan simply replied.

"So how do you want to spend the time?" I asked already sounding bored. Dylan just shrugged. 

"So were just going to sit here for a hour or longer?" Well that's just perfect.

"Guess so." Dylan simply replied sitting and getting comfortable. I frowned, but I guess he was right. I sighed, a little over dramatically and sat down. After what seemed like 5 minutes I laid down on the warm grass, enjoying the sun while its still there. We were in a long silence. Dylan usually never breaks the silence, but when I do we usually go right back to it. Sometimes I wonder what goes in that guys head. I hate waiting. I think Dylan's patient, he usually seems like it. Maybe he isn't, but has something going on in his head. Oh well no point in thinking about it if I can't find the answer. I decided to leave those thoughts, and try to go for a quick nap.


"Wake up!" Dylan started to yell.

"Huh?" I asked still sleepy.

"The portal opened." Dylan simply said as always.

"Oh, then lets go!" I asked already excited to find out how hell looked like. Dylan told me its not what people imagined, but I want to see it for myself. Dylan pointed to it, then ran towards it, and as he did, I followed. Suddenly once again I saw the guardians of Heaven, but this time fading away slowly. I didn't think much of it, since I didn't know what it meant, but know was not the time to ask. We were finally in Hell, after everything we gone through. We were finally officially here!


Sorry for not updating for a while. I will try to update faster, but I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. If you are still reading this story, Thanks!!!

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