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Chapter 12

Noel P.O.V


I woke up with my clothes covered with all sorts of things. I did my best to clean everything up. I wonder what Dylan is going to do, now that I told him that I know. What was I suppose to do today? Oh, yea Six Flags. I don't know, now I don't feel like going. Then the lines will be super long. What was I thinking? Six Flags? Whats the point of Six Flags? Yea, I know roller coasters and all that, but if I really wanted to I can fly, and have just as much fun.

Maybe I should just figure out what I'm suppose to do. But what is their to do? I mean, I told Dylan that I know I'm his target, so he should know I'm going to say no to his offer each time. I don't think hes crazy enough to kidnap me. What else is their to saying no? Maybe I should ask the third test person. I don't see why not, but will she really tell me what to do? Maybe she'll give me clues. Worth a try.

"Test person show up!" I don't really know her name.

"Ugh, what!" She was sitting on the couch. Does she always sit on the couch? Whatever, that's not important.

"I don't get it, I already told Dylan that I know I'm his target, what else is there?" She just sighed.

"I don't know if I should tell you. I'm not suppose to, but if I do nothing bad happens to me. But why should I tell you? This is suppose to be a test, that you take on your own."

"Come on, I don't have any clues on what to do!" I hope she at least can give me a clue. I really need some advice on what to do, I mean their is nothing left to do. It looked like she was thinking about it.

"I can't tell you, but I can make you pass the test. But do you really want to leave? I mean this is your best way to get information on this whole Hell thing. Do you really want to pass it up? This might be your only chance." I know I can get information here, but I want to go back. I mean I already got some good information. I probably won't be close to Dylan anymore, but he was faking it all. Yea I guess I can go back.

"I choose to go back." Was all I said, as suddenly the world was once again spinning. Then everything turned black. I open my eyes. I was in the hospital. No one was in the room. I guess they all left me, but oh well. I can't expect them to stay here. Wait how much days was I out? Suddenly a doctor came in.

"Are you feeling normal?" 

"Yes, and how long was I out for?" 

"About four days." That's how long I was in Heaven.

"When will I be able to go?" I'm still mad at Dylan. I wonder how he will act if I don't tell him. Maybe we could test it out.

"I just have to check a few things, and you can be on your way." I nodded, and the doctor left. I sighed. Wait. I wonder if that ghost thing was really real. Maybe I can still ask the test person. I closed my eyes, and started to call for her.

"This is the last time your seeing me, so what do you need?"

"When I was outside my body, and Ethan was the only one who could see me, was that real? Or was it only for that test?"

"Don't worry, it wasn't real, it was only for that test. Its impossible for anyone to see you while your taking a test in your head, but what you do there could affect you in reality. So need anything else? If not then I'll be on my way." This is the last time I could see her, but I don't have anything to ask. I guess if I need anything I'll have to figure it out on my own, but its good to hear Ethan and that ghost thing weren't real.

"No I don't need anything else, you can go now." With that she left. When I opened my eyes, the doctor was coming in the room.

As he was checking his papers he said "Looks like your good to go." He then left the room. Where am I suppose to go? Do I go back to the building? I guess I can walk around. Maybe I can go buy some clothes. I saw my clothes and my bag on a chair. I dressed out of the hospital clothes, then headed out. It took me a while to find where everything is, and I don't want to fly, it will cause to much trouble. I finally found the mall.

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