Heart Attack Moment

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Chapter 14

Noel P.O.V

                                                           Big Time Skip, 2 years later

I am in Heaven getting more information. When suddenly Mike appears.

"Hey." Was all he said. I am well aware that Mike will soon figure it out. In fact he saw me go to Earth one time.

"Hello." I replied back. The boss did a good job getting rid of emotion, but feeling still remains. Boss now trusts me to go by my self. Ethan no longer escorts me to Heaven. We were in silence, when Mike broke it.

"We should get going, the meeting will start in a couple of minutes."

"Yea." Was all I said as Mike held the door open for me, and I went inside the meeting room.

"Thank you all for coming, and sorry for the short notice." Everyone nodded. He was the commander. 

"We know that one of you is working with Hell." My heart started to pound. Faster and faster by the second. 

"What evidence do you have?" The commanders agent said.

"It is impossible for Hell to know our exact movement." Everyone slowly nodded.

"Unfortunately we don't know who it is, but we will find out! Everyone in this room will be forced to stay here in this room till we know who it is."

"But what about our jobs?!" One yelled.

"What about our families!?" Another screamed. Suddenly everyone started to yell at the commander and the commanders agent. Suddenly the commander started to look angry. It looks like he wanted everyone to just shut up.

"Quiet! I am well aware of families and other jobs you have to do! But if anymore information is spilled this might be the end for Heaven! Think about! If you leave now Heaven might be destroyed! Innocent people killed, families killed, children killed. No money, meaning no jobs! Do you people want that to happen!? This if for Heaven! If anyone tries to leave this room, I will have you killed, no arguments!" Everyone nodded in understanding. 

If I get caught what do I do? Do I run for my life? Do I prepare to face my destiny? What do I do? I would probably run away like the coward I am. I may seem tough, but in bad situations I'm a coward.

I dislike seeing blood, and dead bodies. Boss knows this too. He tried to get rid of that, but no matter what he did, the fear never went away. He put me in a room filled with dead bodies, or barely alive angels. Bodies laying dead in their own blood. The blood in a puddle. Joining along with other puddles of blood.

I shiver at the memory. I had thought of betraying boss, but what will I gain? Could I really become an angel? Physically I am an angel, but I'm a mistake. I have betrayed. I've been betrayed. Why? Boss said it was a mission to strengthen me. It made me never trust nor love again. I try not to think about it to much, it brings back memories, but past is past and future is future.

I wonder if Mike have been telling commander about me. If he has, it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. Especially if he told them that he saw me leave Heaven. That would be bad.

I usually tell boss false information. I don't find it fair how Hell knows what Heaven been doing. Does boss know of this? No, he thinks I missed meetings and they changed plans, at least that's what I told him, and he believes it. 

"So what do we do here?" One bored member asks.

"We will ask some questions personally. We will call you out in alphabetical order by first name." First name? What happened to last name? Oh well I can't judge it.

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