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Chapter 7

Noel P.O.V

I didn't see anything. Was he joking? Or is there some kind of trick to this? I just looked at Dylan with a confused expression.

"You don't see it?" Dylan asked.

"See what?" 

"If you look closely you can see the air waving." I did what Dylan told me to do. I finally saw it.

"So, that's how you get to Earth and Hell?"

"Well... Unfortunately, we have to pass Earth. The entrance to Hell will be the same as this one, but humans can not see the entrance nor the way to Heaven.

"Really?! We have to pass Earth?!" Dylan sighed and nodded. 

"Don't worry, I brought along some money."

"Well, we can stay at a motel."

"Yea, we can get food, you know freshen up." Dylan said with a smile.

"Wait... Do we just go through the portal or do we have to do something?"

"Just go through."

"Okay at your mark." Dylan nodded.

"In 3...2...1.... Run!" Dylan shouted and ran. I ran after him. Suddenly everything began flashing. Suddenly I saw the animal protectors of Heaven running away.(Hawk, and a stag.) The stag seemed to be running for its life, while the hawk soared through the sky. Suddenly I was lying on grass. Dylan was standing looking down at me.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I just saw the guardians." Dylan just starred at me.

"Well 2 miles from where we are is a motel."

"So, we move until we get there?

"Yea, that's pretty much it." We started to walk.

"So, how much times have you been going to Heaven or Earth?"

"I don't know the exact number, but I have been going back and forth a few times." 

"And those guys never tried to kill you or anything?"

"They might have, but I never saw any of them."

"I wonder what they wanted from us."

"Who knows, but were safe now."

"Yea." And before we knew it we were at the motel.

"We're here!" I said while smiling. We went inside and Dylan got us a room. We went inside our room. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that great. It had to twin beds with green covers. We put our stuff aside and laid down on the beds.

"Finally a real bed!" I said while laughing. Dylan laughed along.

"Yea, know go freshen up."

"K, I'm gonna take a quick shower then you can go."

"Sounds good." I grabbed my bag into the bathroom, and took out my Pj's. I turned on the water, and     tried to relax, since this is my first shower in a while. After my shower I brushed my teeth and hair. I finally didn't feel dirt, leaves, and pebbles. I put on my Pj's. A blue short sleeve shirt, with some blue plaid baggy pants. I put my hair in a pony tail and got out of the bathroom.

"You can go now." Dylan got up and went to the bathroom.

"And try to clean your clothes." I heard Dylan shout. I went into the kitchen sink, and washed my clothes that I wore. I wonder what my family and friends are thinking. I hope there not worried. I should have told them I was leaving. I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. 

After I finished washing my clothes I hanged them up so they can dry. Then Dylan came out. We both came in a bed. I miss the feeling of sleeping on an actual bed.

"I can't believe we finally got out of that forest."

Dylan replied."Yea."

"Really one more night in that forest, and I thought I was going to lose it." I said while laughing.


"So, how far is Hell?" 

"Well, its not as far as the forest was, but we're going to be at least 1 day on foot." I sighed.

"At least it won't be as long."


"Well, all we can do now is enjoy what we have now."

"Yea your right." I shoudn't complain. Dylan was right, enjoy what you have until its gone. 

"So, how long do we have this room?"

"We can sleep here tonight, and then in the morning we have to go."

"Well, at least we have this for 2 nights.


"So, what are we planning on doing tomorrow?" I knew we wouldn't get moving since we can sleep here tomorrow.

"Get something to eat, look around."

"Sounds fun. Finally get some food other than fruit." Dylan laughed.

"Yea, thought I was going to loose eating only those berries."

"So what are we gonna go for food?"

"Hopefully somewhere that doesn't have berries." 


"I could really go for some meat."

I laughed. "Yea, I could go for some to."

"Where are we planning on going after break fast?"

"Anywhere I guess, its Earth there has to be something to explore."

"Do you even know where we are?" I said while looking at Dylan trying to act serious, but I failed.

"Somewhere called Michigan. That's what the signs and people say."

"Michigan? These people have weird names." I wonder what other names their are.

"Well, its weird to us because we don't know anything about Earth."

"What else do you think their is out their?"

"Well some guy gave me a pamphlet to go to a place called Hawaii. It looked beautiful."

"What did it look like?"

"Well I still have it. Just wait a minute." Dylan started to look through his bag.

"Here." He handed me the pamphlet and I looked at it. It looked simply breath taking. 

"Maybe one day we can go there." Dylan said looking at the pictures.

"I hope so. And we should start going to sleep."

"Yea." I handed him the pamphlet, and he took it from my hands and put it back in his bag. Then turned off the light and went back into the bed. 

"Well good night." Dylan said while getting comfortable.

"Night." I said while yawning. And before I knew it I was asleep.

---------------------------------------------------------End Of Chapter---------------------------------------------------------

Hope you guys enjoyed! And I'm kinda stuck on what to do, so I don't know when next chapter will be out, sorry.

Hell vs HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora