Never Wanting To Leave Paradise

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Chapter 11

Noel P.O.V

It was still midday, so I can't go asleep. What can I do? I sighed. Maybe If I see Dylan I can tell him that I know about the targeting stuff. Yea, I can't wait to see his expression, but I'll have to do it in a public place, just in case, he might do something. But not to public so people can hear. I sighed. Maybe I should just play along with this game. I can decide later, but for now I'm gonna enjoy myself since I'm in Heaven. 

                                                                         Later at Night

Today might have just been one of the best days. And I didn't see Dylan at all. I hope its like this tomorrow, but I do have to look more into this Hell stuff. I'll worry about it tomorrow, for now I can use some sleep.


I woke up already thinking on how to get the information. Hm. Maybe the library can tell me somethings. I got ready and headed out. The library really amazes me sometimes. There is all kinds of stories in the world, but some of the worst stories are from history. War, violence, mistakes. But then there is peace. And then there's betrayal. No ones life can be perfect, no matter how hard you try. I started to look for the history of Hell. Will this be under the category war? Well we are in war now. I took all the books about Hell and war that I could find. 

                                                                            A couple hours later

There's nothing in these books! Out of all those, and yet nothing. I sighed. Where can I get information like this? Its not like I can go up to a random person and ask about this, but maybe I could ask about Hell. I hope it doesn't sound to suspicious. I go up to the librarian.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a book about Hell and the war. Do you think you can help me?" The lady just nods without saying a word. She stood up and started to lead the way. She handed me a book, why haven't I seen this before?

"Thank you." I started to scan threw the book. I scanned each page from top to bottom. I hope the information isn't at the end, this book has over 500 pages. But if I can find what I'm looking for, then it will be worth it. I started to get a little drowsy around page 247. I can't stop now! I need to find this.

                                                                       Some time later

I sighed. I was on page 371. I must be a slow reader. Its been like two hours. And I'm only suppose to be scanning. I turn to the next page, and then something caught my eye. Hell will most likely turn an angel against Heaven and make them join Hell. Even your closes friends can be a spy. The world is filled with mysteries, the people usually leave for a couple days. Then come back. Well that's it. I could be discovered any minute when I'm in Heaven doing spy stuff...Or whatever. I disappeared for what? A week? This is not good. But who would have noticed me gone? What am I going to do this time? There is nothing I can do. Sure I can go back to Heaven and forgot everything about Hell, but isn't it to late? 

Lets see what changed. My eyes. I got more powers. And the most important thing. Myself. I no longer feel like my normal self. I feel broken. But yet new. I closed the book and left it at the table. I started to run home. It was already dark. I finally reached my house. I wonder what would happen if I kill myself here? Would I be killed in the real me.

"Alright you third test person show up!" 

"What now?" She said as she started to appear. 

"If I do anything to myself now, will it happen in the real world?"

She smirked. "Of course, that's why your in the hospital. You have to decide if you want to live or not. Its your choice." So I don't have to go through all this crap. 

"Wait, so whatever I do here affects me on the outside?" She nodded.

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