Pain Is True Hell

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Chapter 9

Noel P.O.V

I can't believe we were finally in Hell. It looked so... beautiful. The grass was green. The trees had flowers blooming. The moon was shinning down on us through the small spaces the leaves leave behind. The moon made the lake sparkle. It was simply breath taking.

"It looks beautiful doesn't it?" Dylan said like he was reading my mind.

"Yea. So what makes Hell Hell then?" Hell was suppose to be like... bad or horrible, but this... was simply beautiful.

"Its not the scene that makes Hell, its the people." Dylan said, shame in his voice. I staid silent after that. Can the people really be that bad? Can they really be that evil? Will they even accept me in? Or will they just kill me? I know I shouldn't have trusted Dylan so easily to coming here, but something just told me to do it. I don't know what it was, but it felt like he was trustworthy, but how will I survive? Ugh, I never think things through completely. Will I have to go back and forth? I will figure a way out later, but for now, I'm in Hell.

"So where do we go now?"

"The leader, which is also the military boss." Dylan replied.

"What why?" I asked sounding shocked.

"Because he'll decide what to do, and I work for the military, that's why I was in Heaven." I staid silent after that.

"Come on lets get going." Dylan said pointing the way.

"Can we fly?" I asked not wanting to walk.

"No, since your an angel, and your wings are white, we might cause a commotion, so it'll be easier if we talk to the boss first, then it will be good for you to fly."

"Wait how did you get your wings white?" I asked remembering the day I met him.

"The boss gave me a special potion, so when I enter Heaven my wings turn white, when I enter Hell my wings turn back to their original color, which as you know is black." Special potion? Wow these people can be sneaky.

"But then why couldn't you fly?" I asked remembering the past.

"The potion wears off if you fly." We both staid silent after that. Me and Dylan always go silent, and I'm the one to usually break it. Well not this time. When we walked into town, it wasn't bad. The people didn't look harmful, but looks can be deceiving. Are these people really harmful? I mean these people seem so nice to each other. I sighed.

"Are these people really bad, they look so peaceful." I asked breaking the silence, which I said I wouldn't., but oh well.

"Devils don't do bad things to their own kind." Dylan said sounding emotionless. I wonder what he meant by that. Does that mean when were at war? Oh well.

"So how far is this boss?"

"Actually were here!" Dylan said as he starred at the big, giant building. It was huge. Wait how is this going to go? Will I become a devil? I should have though this through! I don't want to be a devil! Will they make me be a spy? Or will they kill me? I stood still. I don't know what to do. Does Dylan know whats going to happen to me? Did he plan this from the beginning? Well that's what devils are suppose to do. Lure. Should I just run out of this place? No he'll catch me he can fly. Maybe I could-

"You coming?" Dylan said holding the door open for me. Should I run? Should I go for it? Or should I go to that door. My whole future depends on the decision I make. I wish I had more time to think. Or someone to help me. Do I run and stay pure? Or do I go inside that building and become something I'm not suppose to be? Maybe this was faith? Did the universe decide to put me in the spot I am? But, I cant run, I will die. Wait maybe I won't I'm technically in Hell like I promised, but I don't think Heaven will count that. I could be destroyed in the worst pain possible. I guess I have no choice. I headed towards the door. I felt a cool breeze when I walked inside. Dylan was walking toward the elevator. I followed. If they disagree with Dylan, I might be killed for trespassing. I can't turn back now, no I have to face my future! We gone to the top floor, which was 20. It was a pretty tall building. When we reach the door Dylan stopped me.

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