Heaven and Hell

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Chapter 13

Noel P.O.V

                                                                            After Date

We were on the way home, when we see Dylan. Dylan looks at us and waves.

"Hey, didn't expect to see you here."

"I could say the same to you." I replied. After that we went into a moment of silence.

"So what brings you here?" Ethan asked breaking the silence.

"Oh, just doing some shopping. What about you two?" 

"We're on our way home." I didn't exactly want to tell him. Its none of his business anyways.

"Well we have to go, but see you later." Ethan replied. We started to walk away from Dylan, as Dylan went the other direction.

"Did something happen between you two?" Ethan asked.
"I rather not talk about it." After that we went into silence. We then reached my house.

"Well we should do this again sometime." Ethan said as I was unlocking my door.

"Yea." I replied with a smile. Ethan then walked away, and I went inside. 

                                        (Time Skip, in Heaven for secret mission.)

I had to join to join the military in Heaven to get the information I need. So far I been here for about a week. I so far found out they are thinking about planning an attack, but on the information I heard, it probably won't happen. I am going to return to Hell. As I was leaving the military building someone came up to me.

"So, where are you going?"

"Oh, just home, some shopping that kind of stuff." I hope he doesn't get to suspicious.

"Alright then." He does sound like he's to suspicious of me. After that we went into silence.

"Well bye!" I said breaking the silence, and started to walk away waving.

"Bye." He replied back.

                                                       At Hell headquarters

"What is the status?" My boss asked.

"They were thinking of planning an attack, but from what I heard there probably won't do it. Also I think one of the members are starting to get suspicious." I replied back and he nodded.

"Alright, start going back to Heaven for more information." I nodded.

"Dismissed." After that I left the room. Great going back to Heaven. I been  going back and forth quit a few times. I haven't really gotten much information. Most of what I got is useful. Its mostly about attack formations and future plans. 

Now I have to go back to Heaven again. I don't think I should be leaving and coming back like this. I mean if I were a real military officer or solider I would get suspicious, but when I tell that to Hell headquarters they say everything is fine. But why would they care? I'm only a pond piece supporting the king and knights.

After that all those missions I learned to become more serious, secretive, cold, and emotionless. If I even show any emotion toward the boss, it will not be good. I usually show emotion in Heaven, since I do really enjoy it.

I wish I could really leave Hell, but its to late... I've done things I'm not proud of. I sold out Heaven, my home, to Hell, the enemy. What kind of angel am I? Nobody truly trusts me anymore. The boss even made Ethan escort me there, and when I'm coming back he's waiting at Earth. I'm pretty sure Heaven will soon find out. 

I don't mind though. Will any one really miss me? Will I miss anyone? Me and Dylan did make up, but were not exactly 'close'. I guess I will kinda miss Dylan, and Ethan to. But will they miss me? Ugh, why would I care. Once I spoke of this feelings to the boss. He said 'don't get close to anyone, feelings will lead to a disaster'. 

I couldn't really deny what the boss told me. I wanted to say feelings are what make a person whole, but I didn't have an option. I once overheard a conversation the boss had with someone. I'm guessing it was someone important. He said 'I want to turn her into a killing machine, but first we must destroy all emotions and feelings'. 

I don't really mind one bit. He might be able to destroy my emotions, but no one can destroy my feeling. And I'm not planning on killing anyone. When ever the boss gives me a mission like that I decline, or I tell the person to run away and live in secret.

Of course the boss knows of this. He usually gets mad, and tries to force me to kill a captured Heaven solider. And as you expect I decline. He then kills the solider himself. I feel sympathy for the dead angel, but I'm not allowed to show it.

"Are you feeling OK?" Ethan said as we were in Earth walking to Heaven.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you seem to be in deep thought and we arrived here about 15 minutes ago." Ethan answered.

"I'm fine, just some thinking is all, and you could have told me sooner." He nodded and then I entered Heaven." Ethan usually rents a hotel or something and then waits for my arrival to Earth.

Well I'm finally in Heaven again. Now I have to fly to Heaven headquarters without anyone seeing me. I usually fly two or three feet above the ground. That way the leaves will be covering my wings, and I won't be spotted.

It gets kinda tiring going back to Hell then back to Heaven, but I can't deny the mission. If I do they won't allow me to go back to Heaven for special air. They usually wait a month, and even longer if they forget about me.

But there is nothing I can do. I am sure I will be caught doing this one day. But for now I must spy. I could easily betray Hell by giving false information, that will give Heaven the advantage, but what good would that do me? I can't return to Heaven without people being even more suspicious, and Hell is my only 'home'.

Outside the headquarters was that guy from before. I'm pretty sure his name was Micheal, Mike for short. He was the same guy who asked where I was going. 

"Hello." Mike said.

"Hey." I replied back. After that we went into silence and entered the building. Wait, was he waiting for me? He either fallen for me, which I doubt it, or has grown even more suspicious. I better leave the room fast after the meeting is over. The meeting was about nine hours. I tried me best to not space out. The boss would be really angry with me if he found out.

I got most of the important information... Hopefully. I left as fast as I could. Unfortunately luck wasn't on my side. Mike was waiting by the exit.

"So where you going this time?" Mike asked.

"Same as last time, why?" I asked trying to find out his purpose in doing this.

"Nothing, see ya tomorrow." Wait tomorrow? I thought we had two days.

"Wait!" I said as he was about to leave.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We're suppose to meet here tomorrow? I thought we had two days? Or is it change in schedule?" He laughed.

"I don't blame you for dozing off. Its change of schedule. We are suppose to meet her tomorrow for important information." Mike answered back.

"Oh, thanks for telling me, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have showed up." I replied back.

"No problem!" Mike said as he waved, and flew away. I went back to Ethan to tell him I can't go back to Hell since we have schedule change. He nodded then went to Hell to inform boss, while I went back to my old house in Heaven.

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