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"Shit! We need more bags than this!"

"Shut up and keep grabbing!"


"So our main plan is this, me and Jungsu will hack the cams until we get to know there little schedule they have."

"And after Seungmin and Jungsu finished that, we will buy stuff of some sketchy website, so we don't get tracked down by police more easily."

"Yes, after that we'll pick spy names!"

"Erm, okay-"

"Once we do all that, we go in and rob the bank, we keep all the hostages inside and make sure no one can get access to the police yet."

"Then we build a tunnel and fly away to a different country!"

"Yes! Great plan everyone, now we need a plan b incase our plan a fails."

"If plan a fails, we act as one of the hostages!"

"No cause they have cameras everywhere and if they don't see us enter the bank, they'll get suspicious!"

"Oh- right..."

It was already 5am, they were up all night to make the perfect plan to execute for there mission: rob the bank.

"Hmmm, we can cause a distraction? Like blow up the roof or dress the hostages like us?"

"I think the second option could work out you know? Force them to wear out outfits then blend in as a hostage, we should also bring fake guns incase they try to shoot us, Hyeongjun add that to the list!"


"Okay, we have our plan settled so let's come up with spy names!"

"Aish why do you have to be so persistent with this-"

"ANYWAY, I vote that Jungsu's spy name should be 'mom' while Gunil's should be 'dad'"

"Same I agree!"

"God....give me a break!"


"Okay so Gunil's fake name is 'dad' while Jungsu's is 'Jug' even though that's so boring, mine will be 'Junhan', Jiseok's will be 'Gaon', Seungmin's will be 'Ode' and Jooyeon's is 'maknae', do we all agree?"

"Yeah, I guess"
"No that sound dum-"

"Okay, well let's start calling each other that so we don't make a mistake and say our name in front of the hostages."

"Good plan, I'm up for it!"

"Your up for anything Jooyeon....."

"My name is actually 'Maknae', get it right idiot...."

"Shut your goofy ass up before I beat your shit-!"

"Calm down everyone!"

"Yeah 'dad'"

"....Someone beat some senses into this kid"

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