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"Go go go! Before they catch you!"



"Hey Gunil we got some runners over here, they're running all over the place, we're making sure they aren't getting close to the hostages though"

"Good good, I'm making my way around so I'll get them."

"You do that boss"

"Did you cut the systems for them?"

"Duh of course I did"

Gunil walks around for a bit, looking and checking around the area to find the loose officers but surprisingly, he can't find any.

"Hey, did you guys get them?"

"No, I can't see any of them"

"Same here"

"How about you Gaon?"




"Officer Jeon I think we lost them"

2 out of 4 from the police task force are roaming around the halls, trying to find an easy escape root.

"Ok we need to find an escape root, Kim try and contact the others while we search around"

"Yes sir"

They go in room after room but don't find much luck as most of the air vents are sealed tightly.

"Officer Lee? Officer Choi? Anyone out there? I copy do you read? Sir nothing is working at all"

"They must have messed with something to stop signal from coming to us and the outside......shit we need to form back to the original room"

Officer Jeon and Officer Kim swiftly make there way down the corridors til they found where they came from.

"Bingo, lets go Kim-"

"Did you cut the systems for them?"

"Duh of course I did"

"Shit we need to go-"


the 2 officers then run into the room and barricade the door. Gaon doesn't make it in time to open the door which leaves the 2 an easy way to escape.

"S-sir we cant leave our team behind!"

"Don't worry we'll get the rescue team on them, now hurry before he shoots the door down.


Gaon starts to shoot at the door creating a huge mess before he finally gets enough entry inside, only to find them missing.

𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙼𝙴 || 𝚇𝙷 / 𝚇𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚁𝚈 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙾𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now